►Njem | This namespace contains the fundamental classes that are used in all other packages of Jem |
►Ngl | This namespace contains classes and functions for building OpenGL-based graphics applications |
CActionParams | |
CActions | |
CAttributes | |
CBox | |
CButtons | |
CCallbackQueue | |
CCamera | |
CCamera2D | |
CCamera3D | |
CClick2Event | |
►CColor | |
CDef | |
CColoredMarker | |
CColorMap | |
CColorMapScope | |
CCommandEvent | |
CCommands | |
CCompound | |
CController | |
CCustomPalette | |
CDisplay | |
CDisplayException | |
CDummyAttribs | |
CDummyNode | |
CErrorHandler | |
CEventHandler | |
CEventHandler2D | |
CEventHandler3D | |
CEventNode | |
CEventQueue | |
CFont | |
CFontScope | |
CFrameGrabber | |
CGeomNode | |
CGfxContext | |
CGfxError | |
CGfxEvent | |
CGfxNode | |
CGLActionParams | |
CGLActions | |
CGLException | |
CGLSetup | |
CGLSetup2D | |
CGLSetup3D | |
►CGraphViewer | |
CDataSet | |
CGroupNode | |
CInitEvent | |
CKeyEvent | |
CKeyPress | |
CKeys | |
CLeafNode | |
CLights | |
CLinearPalette | |
CLineSet | |
CMarkerSet | |
CMarkerStyle | |
CMenu | |
CMenuNode | |
CMessageBox | |
CMotionEvent | |
CMouseClick | |
CMouseDrag | |
CMouseEvent | |
CMultiNode | |
CNRActionParams | |
CNRActions | |
CNumberMarker | |
COrb | |
COrbMarker | |
COrthoCamera | |
COrthoCamera3D | |
COrthoTextScope | |
COSContext | |
CPalette | |
CPalettePainter | |
CPivotable | |
CPNGGrabber | |
CPointMarker | |
►CPointSampler | |
CSample | |
CPopup | |
CPPMGrabber | |
CPrintErrHandler | |
CPropertyNames | |
CRainbowPalette | |
CRect | |
CRedrawEvent | |
CRedrawRoot | |
CResizeEvent | |
CRubberBand | |
CSize2 | |
CStdAttribs | |
CStdCamera | |
CStdEventHandler | |
CStdGLSetup | |
CSymbolMarker | |
CSymbols | |
CTeeMarker | |
CTextBalloon | |
CTextPainter | |
CTextProjector | |
CTextScope | |
CTextureException | |
CTextureManager | |
CTransform | |
CTransformable | |
CTransformer | |
CTriangleSet | |
CVertex | |
CVertexSet | |
CViewer | |
CViewport | |
CWindow | |
CWrapperNode | |
►CXYPlot | |
CDataSet | |
►Nhdf5 | This namespace exports classes for accessing HDF5 files |
CDataSet | |
CDataSpace | |
CDataType | |
CGroup | |
CH5Exception | |
CH5File | |
CH5Object | |
►Nio | This namespace contains classes and functions that provide support for input and output operations |
CArrayInputStream | |
CArrayOutputStream | |
CBeginItem | |
CBeginList | |
CBlankLine | |
CBufferedInputStream | |
CBufferedOutputStream | |
CBufferedReader | |
CBufferedWriter | |
CCancelledIOException | |
CCRCOutputStream | |
CDataInput | |
CDataInputStream | |
CDataOutput | |
CDataOutputStream | |
CDeflator | |
CDirListing | |
CEndItem | |
CEndList | |
CEOFException | |
CFile | |
CFileFlags | |
CFileInfo | |
CFileInputStream | |
CFileName | |
CFileOpenException | |
CFileOutputStream | |
CFileReader | |
CFileStream | |
CFileWriter | |
CFill | |
CFilterInputStream | |
CFilterOutputStream | |
CFilterReader | |
CFilterWriter | |
CGzipFileReader | |
CGzipFileWriter | |
CGzipInputStream | |
CGzipOutputStream | |
CIndent | |
CInflator | |
CInputStream | |
CInputStreamReader | |
CIOException | Signals an I/O error |
CIOverflowException | |
CLineNumberReader | |
CLogger | |
CNullInputStream | |
CNullOutputStream | |
CNullReader | |
CNullTermReader | |
CNullWriter | |
CNumberFormat | |
CNumberFormatter | |
CObjectInput | |
CObjectInputStream | |
CObjectOutput | |
CObjectOutputStream | |
CObjectStreamParams | |
COutdent | |
COutputStream | |
COutputStreamWriter | |
CPatternLogger | |
CPipe | |
CPipedInputStream | |
CPipedOutputStream | |
CPipedReader | |
CPipedWriter | |
CPrefixWriter | |
CPrintWriter | |
CReadBuffer | |
CReader | Represents a text input stream |
CSerializable | |
CSerializationException | |
CSimpleLogger | |
CStderrWriter | |
CStdinReader | |
CStdoutWriter | |
CStdTermReader | |
CStringReader | |
CStringWriter | |
CSyncFailedException | |
CTeeWriter | |
CTermInput | |
CTermReader | |
CTextInput | Provides an interface for reading text-based input |
CTextOutput | Provides an interface for writing text-based output |
CWordCompleter | |
CWriteBuffer | |
CWriter | Represents a text output stream |
CZipException | |
CZipInputStream | |
CZipOutputStream | |
►Nmp | This namespace provides support for building parallel message passing programs |
CAbortException | |
CBcastReader | |
CBcastStream | |
CBuffer | |
CContext | |
CDriver | |
CDriverException | |
CDriverFactory | |
►CGatherPrinter | |
CSession | |
►CGatherStream | |
CSession | |
CInputChannel | |
CMPException | |
CMPIContext | |
CMPIDriver | |
CMTContext | |
CMTDriver | |
COutputChannel | |
CPort | |
CRecvBuffer | |
CRequest | |
CRequestList | |
CSendBuffer | |
CSimpleTask | |
CSimpleTaskFactory | |
CStatus | |
CStdDriverFactory | |
CSyncTimer | |
CTask | |
CTaskFactory | |
CUniContext | |
CUniDriver | |
CXPacket | |
►Nmt | This namespace provides support for building multi-threaded parallel programs |
CBarrier | |
CIOMutex | |
CThreadSafeInputStream | |
CThreadSafeOutputStream | |
CThreadSafeReader | |
CThreadSafeWriter | |
►CWorkPool | |
CJob | |
CTask | |
►Nnumeric | This namespace provides support for developing numerical algorithms and applications |
CBandFilter | |
CCholesky | |
CConstantFunc | |
CDataFunc | |
CDiagonalFilter | |
CEigenUtils | |
CEqualFilter | |
CFuncException | |
CFunction | |
CGreaterFilter | |
CLUSolver | |
CMatmulChain | Multiplies a series of matrices and vectors |
CPassFilter | |
CQuadrature | |
CQuaternion | |
CReorder | |
CSparseFilter | |
CSparseFilterInterface | |
CSparseFilters | |
CSparseFilterWrapper | |
CSparseILU | |
CSparseLU | |
CSparseMatrix | Represents a sparse matrix |
CSparseSelector | |
CSparseSolver | |
CSparseStructure | Represents the structure of a sparse matrix |
CSparseUtils | |
►CUserFunc | |
CArgList | |
CNameSpace | |
►Nutil | This namespace exports various container classes and an event framework |
CAbstractDelegate | Provides a superclass for all delegate types |
CArrayBuffer | Provides support for creating one-dimensional Array objects |
CBarrier | Synchronizes a group of threads |
CBasicScanner | |
CBitSet | |
CCalendar | |
CCppScanner | |
CCPUTimer | Measures the elapsed CPU time |
CDateException | |
CDelegate | Represents a call-back function that will be invoked by an event |
CDictionary | Implements an associative, heterogeneous collection that maps strings to objects |
CDictionaryEnumerator | Iterates over the key/value pairs in a dictionary |
CEmptySequenceException | |
CEnumerable | Represents an enumerable set of objects |
CEnumerator | Iterates over a set of objects |
CEvent | Encapsulates a list of call-back functions that are invoked when a specific event occurs |
CFastAllocator | Implements a memory allocation algorithm that favors speed above fair memory use |
CFlex | Implements a generic, resizable vector |
CHashDictionary | Implements a dictionary based on a hash table |
CHashMap | |
CHashMapTraits | |
CHashSet | |
CHashSetTraits | |
CHashTable | |
CHashTableIterator | |
CHashTableNode | |
CList | |
CListEntry | |
CListIterator | |
CListNode | |
CMallocAllocator | Allocates memory chunks by calling the standard malloc function |
CMapEnumerator | |
CNone | |
CObjectCollection | Represents an heterogeneous collection of objects |
CObjectConverter | |
CObjectHashMap | |
CObjectList | |
CObjectMap | |
CObjectPair | |
CObjectSequence | |
CObjFlex | |
CPair | |
CPattern | |
CProperties | Encapsulates an hierarchical database containing name/value pairs |
CPropertyException | Signals an invalid property |
CRange | |
CSequenceEnumerator | |
CSingleton | |
►CSparseArray | |
CElement | |
CStdAllocator | Implements a memory allocation algorithm that balances speed with fair memory use |
CStringUtils | |
CTimer | Measures the elapsed wall-clock time |
CTokenizer | |
CWeakHashMap | |
►Nxml | This namespace contains classes and functions dealing with XML documents |
CAttributeParser | |
CBeginComment | |
CBeginEmptyTag | |
CBeginStartTag | |
CCompoundParser | |
CDOMAttribs | |
CDOMElement | |
CDOMIterator | |
CDOMParser | |
CDOMTree | |
CEmptyTagParser | |
CEndComment | |
CEndEmptyTag | |
CEndStartTag | |
CIncludeTagParser | |
CParseLog | |
CParser | |
CParserActions | |
CParserException | |
CParserOptions | |
CParserStack | |
CParserState | |
CPrintAttrib | |
CPrintComment | |
CPrintEmptyTag | |
CPrintEndTag | |
CPrintStartTag | |
CSimpleTagParser | |
CSkipTagParser | |
CSourceStack | |
CTagParser | |
CTextLog | |
CTokenizer | |
►Nxutil | This namespace exports extra utility classes and functions |
CIListArray | |
►CSnoopDictionary | |
CFilter | |
CStdFilter | |
CArithmeticException | |
CArray | Implements a multi-dimensional array that supports slicing and array expressions |
CArray< idx_t, 0, IndexExpr > | |
CArray< T, N, ImagExpr< E > > | |
CArray< T, N, RealExpr< E > > | |
CArrayExpr | A dummy class representing array expressions |
CArrayIterator | |
CAssertException | |
CAttributeTable | |
CAutoPointer | |
CBasicString | Helps the String class converting various types of strings |
CBegin | An empty class that facilitates the construction of slices |
CBoolean | |
CBoolType | Provides support for writing meta-programs |
CCancellationScope | |
CCancelledException | |
CCharacter | |
CClass | |
CClassCastException | |
CClassRegisterAgent | |
CClassTable | |
CClassTableTraits | |
CClassTemplate | |
CClonable | |
CCollectable | Provides support for automatic garbage collection |
CCompileTimeCheck | Checks a boolean condition at compile-time |
CCondition | |
CConstructor | |
CConstructorTemplate | |
CCString | Converts a String object to a null-terminated character array |
CDefaultConstructor | |
CEnd | An empty class that facilitates the construction of slices |
CEnvParams | |
CError | |
CException | Provides a single superclass for all exceptions that a program should catch |
CFastCondition | |
CField | |
CFieldGetterTraits | |
CFieldTemplate | |
CFloat | |
CIllegalArgumentException | |
CIllegalIndexException | |
CIllegalInputException | |
CIllegalOperationException | |
CInstantiationException | |
CInteger | |
CInterface | Provides support for creating Java-like interfaces |
CLimits | |
CLock | Locks and unlocks mutual exclusion objects |
CMember | |
CMemoryError | |
CMethod | |
CMethodTemplate | |
CMethodTraits | |
CMethodTraitsBase | |
CMonitor | |
CMutex | |
CNamedObject | |
CNil | Represents a null pointer |
CNullPointerException | |
CNumber | |
CObject | Provides a single superclass for many classes in jem |
COnce | |
COutOfMemoryException | |
CParseException | Signals a parse error |
CPrecheckException | |
CProcess | |
CRangeException | |
CReadLock | |
CReadWriteMutex | |
CRecursiveMonitor | |
CRecursiveMutex | |
CRef | Provides `safe' access to a collectable object |
CRuntimeException | Signals a runtime exception |
CSerialSection | |
CSettableFieldTemplate | |
CSignals | |
CSlice | Selects parts of array-like objects |
CSliceAll | A class for creating a contiguous slice that contains all elements of an array-like object |
CSliceFrom | A class for creating a contiguous slice that extends to the end of an array-like object |
CSliceFromTo | A class for creating contiguous slices of array-like objects |
CSliceTo | A class for creating a contiguous slice that starts at the beginning of an array-like object |
CSpawnParams | |
CString | Encapsulates a character string |
CStringBuffer | |
CStringObject | |
CSystem | Provides access to the standard input and output streams, and other system facilities |
CSystemException | |
CThread | |
CThrowable | Provides a single superclass for all exceptions in Jem |
CTime | |
CTuple | Encapsulates a fixed-size, two-dimensional array |
CTupleExpr | A dummy class representing tuple expressions |
CWeakProxy | |
CWeakRef | Provides `safe' acces to a collectable object without preventing the deletion of that object |
CWriteLock | |
►Njive | |
►Nalgebra | This namespace contains classes that implement common matrix-vector operations |
CAbstractMatrix | Defines a common interface for different matrix types |
CClassicalGramSchmidt | |
CConDistiller | |
CConMatrixBuilder | |
CConstrainedMatrix | |
CDenseMatrixObject | |
CDiagMatrixExtension | |
CDiagMatrixObject | |
CDirectMatrixExtension | |
CFlexMatrixBuilder | |
CGlobdat | |
CGramSchmidt | |
CGramSchmidtFactory | |
CIdentMatrixObject | |
CIteratedGramSchmidt | |
CLumpedMatrixBuilder | |
CMatrixBuilder | |
CMBuilderFactory | |
CMBuilderParams | |
CMixedGramSchmidt | |
CModifiedGramSchmidt | |
CMPMatrixExtension | |
CMPMatrixObject | |
CMPVectorSpace | |
CMultiMatmulExtension | |
CNullMatrixBuilder | |
CNullMatrixObject | |
CPropertyNames | |
CSparseMatrix | Encapsulates a sparse matrix |
CSparseMatrixBuilder | |
CSparseMatrixExtension | |
CSparseMatrixObject | |
CSparseMatrixParser | |
CStdVectorSpace | Provides a straightforward implementation of the VectorSpace class |
CVectorSpace | Computes the scalar product of two vectors |
►Napp | The classes and functions in this namespace provide a modular application framework |
CActionParams | |
CActions | |
CApplication | |
CChainModule | |
CCheckpointModule | |
CCmdCompleter | |
CCommands | |
CControlModule | |
CDataPrinter | |
CDebugModule | |
CDummyModule | |
CExitModule | |
CGlobdat | |
CGroupConverter | |
CGroupconvModule | |
CGroupgenModule | |
CInfoModule | |
CInitModule | |
CLoadScaleModule | |
CLoopModule | |
CModule | |
CModuleFactory | |
COutputModule | |
CProgramArgs | |
CPropertyNames | |
CReportModule | |
CRootOnlyModule | |
CRunvarNames | |
CSampleModule | |
CStdDataPrinter | |
CUserconfModule | |
►Nfem | The classes and functions in this namespace can be used to develop finite element applications |
CAutoBndGroup | |
CAutoShapeTable | |
CAutoShapeTable1D | |
CAutoShapeTable2D | |
CAutoShapeTable3D | |
CBndgenModule | |
CBndGroupConverter | |
CBoundary | |
CBoundaryElement | |
CBoundaryGroup | |
CBoundaryIterator | |
CBoundaryManager | |
CBoundarySet | |
CCustomShapeTable | |
CDataParser | |
CElement | |
CElementGroup | |
CElementIterator | |
CElementSet | |
CElemGroupConverter | |
CFEIterator | |
CFEMatrixBuilder | |
CGlobdat | |
CGroupconvModule | |
CIBoundaryIterator | |
CInitModule | |
CInputModule | |
CInternalBoundary | |
CInternalElement | |
CInvalidBlocksException | |
CMeshBlock | |
►CMeshCutter | |
CException | |
CInfo | |
CParams | |
CMeshpartModule | |
CMPInputModule | |
CNames | |
CNodeGroup | |
CNodeSet | |
COrderedBndGroup | |
CPartitionModule | |
CPropertyNames | |
CShapeModule | |
CSimpleBoundary | |
CSimpleElement | |
CVirtualBoundary | |
CVirtualElement | |
CVirtualIBoundary | |
CXBoundarySet | |
CXElementSet | |
CXNodeSet | |
►Nfemodel | This namespace exports a collection of finite element models |
CPropertyNames | |
►Ngeom | This namespace contains a collection of shape classes that encapsulate the geometrical properties of a finite element |
CBezierExtension | |
CBezierExtractor | |
CBiQuadraticQuad | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of bi-quadratic quadrilateral elements |
CBoundaryHex8 | |
CBoundaryLine2 | |
CBoundaryLine3 | |
CBoundaryLine4 | |
CBoundaryPoint | |
CBoundaryQuad12 | |
CBoundaryQuad4 | |
CBoundaryQuad6 | |
CBoundaryQuad8 | |
CBoundaryQuad9 | |
CBoundaryShape | Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a boundary of a finite element |
CBoundaryTriangle3 | |
CBoundaryTriangle6 | |
CBoxArray | |
CBoxManager | |
CBShapeFactory | |
CCustomShapeTable | |
CGeometries | |
CGlobdat | |
CGrad2Extension | |
CGridBoxManager | |
CHyperHex | |
CHyperHex16 | |
CIntegrationSchemes | |
CInterfaceShape | |
CInternalShape | Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a regular, internal element |
CIShapeFactory | |
CLinearHexahedron | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear hexahedron elements |
CLinearLine | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear line elements |
CLinearQuad | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear quadrilateral elements |
CLinearTetrahedron | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear tetrahedron elements |
CLinearTriangle | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear triangle elements |
CMaskMatrix | |
CParametric4DShape | |
CParametric4DSurf | |
CParametricArea | |
►CParametricBoundary | |
CPointSet | |
CPointSet_ | |
CScratch_ | |
CParametricEdge | |
CParametricLine | |
►CParametricShape | |
CPointSet | |
CPointSet_ | |
CScratch_ | |
CParametricSurface | |
CParametricUtils | |
CParametricVolume | |
CPropertyNames | |
CQuadraticHexahedron | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic hexahedron elements |
CQuadraticLine | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic line elements |
CQuadraticQuad | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic quadrilateral elements |
CQuadraticTetrahedron | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic tetrahedron elements |
CQuadraticTriangle | Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic triangle elements |
CShape | Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a finite element |
CShapeBoundary | |
CShapeFactory | |
CShapeTable | |
CShapeTableFactory | |
CSimpleBoxManager | |
CSimpleMaskMatrix | |
CSimpleShapeTable | |
CStdBezierShape | |
CStdBoundary | |
CStdCube | |
CStdCube16 | |
CStdCube20 | |
CStdCube27B | |
CStdCube3Bx2x2 | |
CStdCube8 | |
CStdEdge | |
CStdHyperCube | |
CStdHyperCube16 | |
CStdLine | |
CStdLine2 | |
CStdLine2C1 | |
CStdLine3 | |
CStdLine3B | |
CStdLine4 | |
CStdLine4B | |
CStdLine5B | |
CStdLine6B | |
CStdPrism | |
CStdPumShape | |
CStdShape | Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a finite element in its local coordinate system |
CStdShapeFactory | |
CStdShapeTable | |
CStdSquare | |
CStdSquare12 | |
CStdSquare16B | |
CStdSquare25B | |
CStdSquare3Bx2 | |
CStdSquare4 | |
CStdSquare4Bx2 | |
CStdSquare4Bx3B | |
CStdSquare5Bx2 | |
CStdSquare5Bx3B | |
CStdSquare6 | |
CStdSquare6Bx3B | |
CStdSquare8 | |
CStdSquare9 | |
CStdSquare9B | |
CStdTetrahedron | |
CStdTetrahedron10 | |
CStdTetrahedron4 | |
CStdTriangle | |
CStdTriangle3 | |
CStdTriangle6 | |
CStdWedge | |
CStdWedge18 | |
CStdWedge6 | |
CTrueMaskMatrix | |
CTypeDefs | Contains commonly used type definitions |
CWedge | |
CWedge18 | |
CWedge6 | |
►Ngl | The classes and functions in this namespace can be used for viewing meshes |
CAppContext | |
CAppRef | |
CChainPlugin | |
CColorField | |
CDataSet | |
CDataSetFactory | |
CDataSource | |
CDisplayModule | |
CElemGroupView | |
CFemViewModule | |
CGfxCommands | |
CGfxFace | |
CGfxLine | |
CGfxMesh | |
CGfxMesher | |
CGfxMesher2D | |
CGfxMesher3D | |
CGfxPoint | |
CGfxShape | |
CGraphModule | |
CGraphPlugin | |
CMarkerManager | |
CMarkerStyleTable | |
CMeshAttribs | |
CMeshColorView | |
CMeshNodeView | |
CMeshReader | |
CMeshRenderer | |
CMeshView | |
CNodeDofsView | |
CPaletteManager | |
CPaletteTable | |
CPartitionView | |
CPlugin | |
CPluginFactory | |
CPointView | |
CPropertyNames | |
CRunvarNames | |
CShapeMapper | |
CStdGfxMesher | |
CStdShapeMapper | |
CTableData | |
CUserconfPlugin | |
CVectorData | |
CVectorField | |
CViewdat | |
CViewModule | |
►Ngraph | This namespace contains classes and functions to deal with graphs |
CBalancer | |
►CBisectionBorder | |
CNode | |
CDummyOptimizer | |
CFMOptimizer | |
CGraph | |
CGreedyOptimizer | |
CGreedyPartitioner | |
CGrowBisectioner | |
CMLPartitioner | |
COptimizer | |
COptimizerFactory | |
CPartition | |
►CPartitionBorder | |
CEdge | |
CNode | |
CPartitionControl | |
CPartitioner | |
CPartitionerFactory | |
CPQueue | |
CPropertyNames | |
CRBPartitioner | |
CWGraph | |
►Nimplict | This namespace exports modules for solving systems of equations implicitly |
CArclenActions | |
CArclenModule | |
CArclenParams | |
CConHandler | |
CEigensolveModule | |
CGlobdat | |
CLinsolveModule | |
CNewmarkModule | |
CNewmarkStepper | |
CNonlinModule | |
CNonlinRunData | |
CNonlinTransModel | |
CPark3Model | |
CPark3Module | |
CPropertyNames | |
CSolverInfo | |
CSolverModule | |
CSolverRunData | |
CStdArclenModel | |
CTimeStepper | |
CTimeStepperFactory | |
CTransientMatrix | |
CTransientModel | |
CTransientSolver | |
►Nmbody | This namespace contains various classes and functions that can be used in multi-body simulations |
►CBodyData | |
CStdColumns | |
CBodyGroup | |
CBodySet | |
CGlobdat | |
CSurfaceUpdater | |
CXBodySet | |
►Nmesh | The classes and functions in this namespace can be used to generate meshes |
CBndgenModule | |
►CCircle | |
CGroupNames | |
CDummyGeometry | |
CElementTypes | |
►CEllipse | |
CGroupNames | |
►CGeometry | |
CParams | |
CGeometryFactory | |
CMesh | |
CMeshgenModule | |
CPropertyNames | |
►CRectangle | |
CGroupNames | |
►CRing | |
CGroupNames | |
CStripMesher | |
CXMesh | |
►Nmodel | The classes and functions provide a framework for implementing modular, numerical models |
CActionException | |
CActionParams | |
CActions | |
CConstraintsModel | |
CDebugModel | |
CDummyModel | |
CFilterModel | |
CGlobdat | |
CImplicitMatrix | |
CLoadScaleModel | |
CMatrixFreeModel | |
CMatrixModel | |
CModel | |
CModelFactory | |
CMPModel | |
CMultiModel | |
CPointLoadModel | |
CPropertyNames | |
CRunvarNames | |
CStateVector | |
►Nmp | This namepace contains basic components for building parallel, numerical programs |
CBorderSet | |
CBorderXData | |
CDataExchanger | |
CExchangeTags | |
CGlobdat | |
CInvalidBordersException | |
CItemMask | |
CScatterCodec | |
CTableExchanger | |
CVectorExchanger | |
CXBorderSet | |
►Nsolver | This namespace contains classes and functions for solving linear systems of equations |
CCG | |
CCoarseDofSpace | |
CCoarseMatrix | |
CCoarsePrecon | |
CConstrainedSolver | Bundles a solver and a constraints handler into a single object |
CConstrainer | Applies a set of constraints to a linear system of equations |
CConstrainerFactory | |
CDenseRestrictor | |
CDiagPrecon | |
CDirectPointConstrainer | |
CDirectSolver | Provides an interface for classes that implement direct solution algorithms |
CDirectVerboseSolver | |
CDualPrecon | |
CDummyConstrainer | |
CDummyPrecon | |
CEigenSolver | |
CEigenSolverFactory | |
CEigenSolverParams | |
CFilterPointConstrainer | |
CGCR | |
CGenericConstrainer | |
CGMRESUtils | |
CIterativeSolver | |
CIterativeSolverException | |
CIterativeVerboseSolver | |
CLocalRestrictor | |
CLocalSolver | |
CMPRestrictor | |
CNeumannPrecon | |
CNullSpaceRestrictor | |
CPointConstrainer | |
CPreconditioner | |
CPreconFactory | |
CPropertyNames | |
CRestrictor | |
CRestrictorFactory | |
CRigidBodyRestrictor | |
CSchurDofSpace | |
CSchurMatrix | |
CSchurRestrictor | |
CSchurSolver | |
CSimpleRestrictor | |
CSkylineLU | |
CSkylineSolver | |
CSmoothRestrictor | |
CSolver | Computes the solution of a linear system of equations |
CSolverException | Signals the failure of a solver or preconditioner |
CSolverFactory | |
CSolverInfo | |
CSolverParams | |
CSolverPrecon | |
CSparseIFactor | |
CSparseLU | Implements a direct solver that is based on sparse LU factorization with pivoting |
CSparseRestrictor | |
CStdConstrainer | |
CStdIterativeSolver | |
CSymdirEigenSolver | |
CUserdefRestrictor | |
CVerboseSolver | |
►Nutil | This namespace contains various classes and functions for storing and manipulating frequently used data structures |
CAllItemGroup | |
CArrayItemGroup | |
CAssignable | |
CColoredItemGroup | |
CConstraints | |
CConstraintsParser | |
CCtorMap | |
CCtorMapImp | |
CDatabase | |
CDatabaseSkin | |
CDataParser | |
CDBaseParser | |
CDBasesParser | |
CDBColumn | |
CDenseDofSpace | |
CDenseTable | |
CDofSpace | Maps degrees of freedom to a range of indices |
CDots | |
CDummyItemSet | |
CEmptyItemGroup | |
CEventMask | |
CEventSource | |
CFactory | |
CFlexDofSpace | |
CFloatDBColumn | |
CFuncParser | |
CFuncsParser | |
CFuncUtils | |
CGlobalScope | |
CGlobdat | |
CGroupConverter | |
CGroupSet | |
CGroupSetParser | |
CHashItemMap | |
CHeapItemMap | |
CIncludeParser | |
CIntDBColumn | |
CItemGroup | Encapsulates a set of item indices |
CItemGroupParser | |
CItemGroupSkin | |
CItemGroupsParser | |
CItemIDException | |
CItemMap | |
CItemSet | Stores a (large) homogeneous set of objects |
CItemSetSkin | |
CMemberSet | |
CMemberSetParser | |
CObjectConverter | |
CParserActions | |
CParserOptions | |
CParserParams | |
CParserScope | |
CParseUtils | |
CPartParser | |
CPointSet | |
CPointSetParser | |
CPrinter | |
CReordering | |
CRuntime | |
CSimpleItemMap | |
CSparseDofSpace | |
CSparseTable | |
CStdDatabase | |
CStdGroupSet | |
CStdMemberSet | |
CStdPointSet | |
CTable | |
CTableException | |
CTableParser | |
CTablesParser | |
CTableUtils | |
CUniformDofSpace | |
CVectorManager | |
CXDofSpace | |
CXGroupSet | |
CXItemGroup | |
CXItemMap | |
CXMemberSet | |
CXPointSet | |
CXTable | |