| ConMatrixBuilder (Ref< MatrixBuilder > mbe, Ref< ConDistiller > cdist) |
virtual void | clear () |
virtual void | scale (double factor) |
virtual void | setToZero () |
virtual void | reserve (idx_t nzCount) |
virtual void | shapeHint (idx_t rowCount, idx_t colCount) |
virtual void | trimToSize () |
virtual void | updateMatrix () |
virtual void | setMultiplier (double mult) |
virtual double | getMultiplier () const |
virtual void | setData (const idx_t *irows, idx_t icount, const idx_t *jcols, idx_t jcount, const double *values) |
virtual void | addData (const idx_t *irows, idx_t icount, const idx_t *jcols, idx_t jcount, const double *values) |
virtual idx_t | eraseData (const idx_t *irows, idx_t icount, const idx_t *jcols, idx_t jcount) |
virtual void | getData (double *buf, const idx_t *irows, idx_t icount, const idx_t *jcols, idx_t jcount) const |
virtual AbstractMatrix * | getMatrix () const |
| MatrixBuilder (const String &name="") |
virtual String | getContext () const |
virtual void | configure (const Properties &props) |
virtual void | getConfig (const Properties &conf) const |
void | setValue (idx_t irow, idx_t jcol, double value) |
void | addValue (idx_t irow, idx_t jcol, double value) |
double | getValue (idx_t irow, idx_t jcol) const |
bool | eraseValue (idx_t irow, idx_t jcol) |
void | setBlock (const IdxVector &irows, const IdxVector &jcols, const Matrix &block) |
void | addBlock (const IdxVector &irows, const IdxVector &jcols, const Matrix &block) |
void | getBlock (const Matrix &block, const IdxVector &irows, const IdxVector &jcols) const |
idx_t | eraseBlock (const IdxVector &irows, const IdxVector &jcols) |
void | setRowValues (idx_t irow, const IdxVector &jcols, const Vector &rvals) |
void | addRowValues (idx_t irow, const IdxVector &jcols, const Vector &rvals) |
idx_t | eraseRowValues (idx_t irow, const IdxVector &jcols) |
void | getRowValues (const Vector &rvals, idx_t irow, const IdxVector &jcols) const |
void | setColValues (const IdxVector &irows, idx_t jcol, const Vector &cvals) |
void | addColValues (const IdxVector &irows, idx_t jcol, const Vector &cvals) |
idx_t | eraseColValues (const IdxVector &irows, idx_t jcol) |
void | getColValues (const Vector &cvals, const IdxVector &irows, idx_t jcol) const |
| NamedObject (const String &name="") |
virtual String | toString () const |
| Returns a short textual description of this object. More...
String | getName () const |
virtual Class * | getClass () const |
| Returns the Class instance representing the runtime class of this object. More...
virtual long | hashValue () const |
| Returns a hash value for this object. More...
virtual bool | equals (const Ref< Object > &obj) const |
| Tests whether two objects are equal. More...
Ref< Object > | clone () const |
| Returns a copy of this object. More...