Jive reference manual
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
jive::algebra Namespace Reference

This namespace contains classes that implement common matrix-vector operations. More...


class  AbstractMatrix
 Defines a common interface for different matrix types. More...
class  ClassicalGramSchmidt
class  ConDistiller
class  ConMatrixBuilder
class  ConstrainedMatrix
class  DenseMatrixObject
class  DiagMatrixExtension
class  DiagMatrixObject
class  DirectMatrixExtension
class  FlexMatrixBuilder
class  Globdat
class  GramSchmidt
class  GramSchmidtFactory
class  IdentMatrixObject
class  IteratedGramSchmidt
class  LumpedMatrixBuilder
class  MatrixBuilder
class  MBuilderFactory
class  MBuilderParams
class  MixedGramSchmidt
class  ModifiedGramSchmidt
class  MPMatrixExtension
class  MPMatrixObject
class  MPVectorSpace
class  MultiMatmulExtension
class  NullMatrixBuilder
class  NullMatrixObject
class  PropertyNames
class  SparseMatrix
 Encapsulates a sparse matrix. More...
class  SparseMatrixBuilder
class  SparseMatrixExtension
class  SparseMatrixObject
class  SparseMatrixParser
class  StdVectorSpace
 Provides a straightforward implementation of the VectorSpace class. More...
class  VectorSpace
 Computes the scalar product of two vectors. More...


typedef ClassicalGramSchmidt ClassicalGS
typedef DenseMatrixObject DenseMatrixObj
typedef DiagMatrixExtension DiagMatrixExt
typedef DiagMatrixObject DiagMatrixObj
typedef DirectMatrixExtension DirectMatrixExt
typedef FlexMatrixBuilder FlexMBuilder
typedef GramSchmidtFactory GSFactory
typedef IdentMatrixObject IdentMatrixObj
typedef IteratedGramSchmidt IteratedGS
typedef LumpedMatrixBuilder LumpedMBuilder
typedef MatrixBuilder MBuilder
typedef MixedGramSchmidt MixedGS
typedef ModifiedGramSchmidt ModifiedGS
typedef MPMatrixExtension MPMatrixExt
typedef MPMatrixObject MPMatrixObj
typedef MultiMatmulExtension MultiMatmulExt
typedef PropertyNames PropNames
typedef NullMatrixBuilder NullMBuilder
typedef NullMatrixObject NullMatrixObj
typedef SparseMatrixBuilder SparseMBuilder
typedef SparseMatrixExtension SparseMatrixExt
typedef SparseMatrixObject SparseMatrixObj
typedef jem::mp::Context MPContext


void declareGSAlgorithms ()
void declareMBuilders ()
Ref< GramSchmidtnewGramSchmidt (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Ref< VectorSpace > &vspace)
Ref< GramSchmidtnewGramSchmidt (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Properties &props, const Ref< VectorSpace > &vspace)
Ref< MBuildernewMBuilder (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Properties &params, const Properties &globdat)
Ref< MBuildernewMBuilder (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Properties &props, const Properties &params, const Properties &globdat)
Ref< SparseMatrixObjnewSparseMatrix (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Properties &props, const Properties &params)
void gather (const Vector &lhs, const Slice &slice, const Vector &rhs)
void gather (const Matrix &lhs, const Slice &rows, const Slice &cols, const Matrix &rhs)
void scatter (const Vector &lhs, const Slice &slice, const Vector &rhs, double alpha=1.0)
void scatter (const Matrix &lhs, const Slice &rows, const Slice &cols, const Matrix &rhs, double alpha=1.0)
SparseStruct denseToSparse (idx_t m, idx_t n)
SparseMatrix denseToSparse (const Matrix &matrix)
void markBorderRows (const BoolVector &mask, VectorExchanger &vex, const SparseStruct &mstruct)
void markBorderRows (const BoolVector &mask, VectorExchanger &vex, const AbstractMatrix &matrix)

Detailed Description

The namespace jive::algebra contains classes that implement common matrix-vector operations.

All classes and functions in this namespace can be found in the package jive.algebra.

Typedef Documentation

Function Documentation

void jive::algebra::declareGSAlgorithms ( )
void jive::algebra::declareMBuilders ( )
Ref<GramSchmidt> jive::algebra::newGramSchmidt ( const String name,
const Properties conf,
const Ref< VectorSpace > &  vspace 
Ref<GramSchmidt> jive::algebra::newGramSchmidt ( const String name,
const Properties conf,
const Properties props,
const Ref< VectorSpace > &  vspace 
Ref<MBuilder> jive::algebra::newMBuilder ( const String name,
const Properties conf,
const Properties params,
const Properties globdat 
Ref<MBuilder> jive::algebra::newMBuilder ( const String name,
const Properties conf,
const Properties props,
const Properties params,
const Properties globdat 
Ref<SparseMatrixObj> jive::algebra::newSparseMatrix ( const String name,
const Properties conf,
const Properties props,
const Properties params 
void jive::algebra::gather ( const Vector &  lhs,
const Slice slice,
const Vector &  rhs 
void jive::algebra::gather ( const Matrix &  lhs,
const Slice rows,
const Slice cols,
const Matrix &  rhs 
void jive::algebra::scatter ( const Vector &  lhs,
const Slice slice,
const Vector &  rhs,
double  alpha = 1.0 
void jive::algebra::scatter ( const Matrix &  lhs,
const Slice rows,
const Slice cols,
const Matrix &  rhs,
double  alpha = 1.0 
SparseStruct jive::algebra::denseToSparse ( idx_t  m,
idx_t  n 
SparseMatrix jive::algebra::denseToSparse ( const Matrix &  matrix)
void jive::algebra::markBorderRows ( const BoolVector &  mask,
VectorExchanger vex,
const SparseStruct &  mstruct 
void jive::algebra::markBorderRows ( const BoolVector &  mask,
VectorExchanger vex,
const AbstractMatrix matrix 