Jive reference manual
Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables
jem Namespace Reference

This namespace contains the fundamental classes that are used in all other packages of Jem. More...


 This namespace contains classes and functions for building OpenGL-based graphics applications.
 This namespace exports classes for accessing HDF5 files.
 This namespace contains classes and functions that provide support for input and output operations.
 This namespace provides support for building parallel message passing programs.
 This namespace provides support for building multi-threaded parallel programs.
 This namespace provides support for developing numerical algorithms and applications.
 This namespace provides support for using the standard library.
 This namespace exports various container classes and an event framework.
 This namespace contains classes and functions dealing with XML documents.
 This namespace exports extra utility classes and functions.


class  ArithmeticException
class  Array
 Implements a multi-dimensional array that supports slicing and array expressions. More...
class  Array< idx_t, 0, IndexExpr >
class  Array< T, N, ImagExpr< E > >
class  Array< T, N, RealExpr< E > >
class  ArrayExpr
 A dummy class representing array expressions. More...
class  ArrayIterator
class  AssertException
class  AttributeTable
class  AutoPointer
class  BasicString
 Helps the String class converting various types of strings. More...
class  Begin
 An empty class that facilitates the construction of slices. More...
class  Boolean
class  BoolType
 Provides support for writing meta-programs. More...
class  CancellationScope
class  CancelledException
class  Character
class  Class
class  ClassCastException
class  ClassRegisterAgent
class  ClassTable
class  ClassTableTraits
class  ClassTemplate
class  Clonable
class  Collectable
 Provides support for automatic garbage collection. More...
class  CompileTimeCheck
 Checks a boolean condition at compile-time. More...
class  Condition
class  Constructor
class  ConstructorTemplate
class  CString
 Converts a String object to a null-terminated character array. More...
class  DefaultConstructor
class  End
 An empty class that facilitates the construction of slices. More...
class  EnvParams
class  Error
class  Exception
 Provides a single superclass for all exceptions that a program should catch. More...
class  FastCondition
class  Field
class  FieldGetterTraits
class  FieldTemplate
class  Float
class  IllegalArgumentException
class  IllegalIndexException
class  IllegalInputException
class  IllegalOperationException
class  InstantiationException
class  Integer
class  Interface
 Provides support for creating Java-like interfaces. More...
class  Limits
class  Lock
 Locks and unlocks mutual exclusion objects. More...
class  Member
class  MemoryError
class  Method
class  MethodTemplate
class  MethodTraits
class  MethodTraitsBase
class  Monitor
class  Mutex
class  NamedObject
class  Nil
 Represents a null pointer. More...
class  NullPointerException
class  Number
class  Object
 Provides a single superclass for many classes in jem. More...
struct  Once
class  OutOfMemoryException
class  ParseException
 Signals a parse error. More...
class  PrecheckException
class  Process
class  RangeException
class  ReadLock
class  ReadWriteMutex
class  RecursiveMonitor
class  RecursiveMutex
class  Ref
 Provides `safe' access to a collectable object. More...
class  RuntimeException
 Signals a runtime exception. More...
class  SerialSection
class  SettableFieldTemplate
class  Signals
class  Slice
 Selects parts of array-like objects. More...
class  SliceAll
 A class for creating a contiguous slice that contains all elements of an array-like object. More...
class  SliceFrom
 A class for creating a contiguous slice that extends to the end of an array-like object. More...
class  SliceFromTo
 A class for creating contiguous slices of array-like objects. More...
class  SliceTo
 A class for creating a contiguous slice that starts at the beginning of an array-like object. More...
class  SpawnParams
class  String
 Encapsulates a character string. More...
class  StringBuffer
class  StringObject
class  System
 Provides access to the standard input and output streams, and other system facilities. More...
class  SystemException
class  Thread
class  Throwable
 Provides a single superclass for all exceptions in Jem. More...
class  Time
class  Tuple
 Encapsulates a fixed-size, two-dimensional array. More...
class  TupleExpr
 A dummy class representing tuple expressions. More...
class  WeakProxy
class  WeakRef
 Provides `safe' acces to a collectable object without preventing the deletion of that object. More...
class  WriteLock


template<class U , class T , int N, class E >
Array< U, N, UnaryExpr< StaticCast< U, T >, Array< T, N, E > > > castTo (const Array< T, N, E > &e)
template<class T , class U , int N, class E1 , class E2 , class E3 >
Array< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array< bool, N, E1 >, Array< T, N, E2 >, Array< U, N, E3 > > > where (const Array< bool, N, E1 > &mask, const Array< T, N, E2 > &lhs, const Array< U, N, E3 > &rhs)
template<class T , class U , int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Array< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array< bool, N, E1 >, Array< T, N, E2 >, ScalarExpr< U > > > where (const Array< bool, N, E1 > &mask, const Array< T, N, E2 > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<class T , class U , int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Array< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array< bool, N, E1 >, ScalarExpr< T >, Array< U, N, E2 > > > where (const Array< bool, N, E1 > &mask, const T &lhs, const Array< U, N, E2 > &rhs)
template<class T , class U , int N, class E >
Array< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array< bool, N, E >, ScalarExpr< T >, ScalarExpr< U > > > where (const Array< bool, N, E > &mask, const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<class T , class I >
ArrayExpr< T, 1 > select (const ArrayExpr< T, 1 > &a, const I &idx)
 Selects a section of a one-dimensional array. More...
template<class T , class I , class J >
ArrayExpr< T, 2 > select (const ArrayExpr< T, 2 > &a, const I &idx, const J &jdx)
 Selects a section of a two-dimensional array. More...
template<class T , class I , class J , class K >
ArrayExpr< T, 3 > select (const ArrayExpr< T, 3 > &a, const I &idx, const J &jdx, const K &kdx)
 Selects a section of a three-dimensional array. More...
template<class T , class I , class J , class K , class L >
ArrayExpr< T, 4 > select (const ArrayExpr< T, 4 > &a, const I &idx, const J &jdx, const K &kdx, const L &ldx)
 Selects a section of a four-dimensional array. More...
template<class I >
TensorIndex operator+ (const TensorIndex &lhs, I rhs)
template<class I >
TensorIndex operator+ (I lhs, const TensorIndex &rhs)
template<class I >
TensorIndex operator- (const TensorIndex &lhs, I rhs)
template<class I >
TensorIndex operator* (const TensorIndex &lhs, I rhs)
template<class I >
TensorIndex operator* (I lhs, const TensorIndex &rhs)
template<class I >
TensorIndex operator/ (const TensorIndex &lhs, I rhs)
template<class T , int N>
min (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &e)
 Computes the minimum value of an array expression. More...
template<class T , int N>
max (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &e)
 Computes the maximum value of an array expression. More...
template<class T , int N>
sum (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &e)
 Computes the sum of all elements in an array expression. More...
template<class T , int N>
product (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &e)
 Computes the product of all elements in an array expression. More...
template<class T , int N>
bool testall (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &e)
 Tests whether all elements in an array expression are true. More...
template<class T , int N>
bool testany (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &e)
 Tests whether at least one element in an array expression is true. More...
template<class T >
void shift (const ArrayExpr< T, 1 > &e, int k)
 Shifts all elements in a one-dimensional array expresion. More...
template<class T >
void cshift (const ArrayExpr< T, 1 > &e, int k)
 Shifts all elements in a one-dimensional array expression in a circular way. More...
template<class T >
void reverse (const ArrayExpr< T, 1 > &e)
 Reverses the elements in a one-dimensional array expression. More...
template<class T , int N>
Array< T, N > reshape (const Array< T, 1 > &a, const Tuple< int, N > &sh)
 Converts a one-dimensional array to a multi-dimcnsional array. More...
template<class T , int N>
bool equal (const ArrayExpr< T, N > &lhs, const ArrayExpr< T, N > &rhs)
 Tests whether two array expressions are equal. More...
ArrayExpr< int, 1 > iarray (int n)
 Returns an enumeration of integers as an array expression. More...
ArrayExpr< int, 1 > iarray (const SliceTo &s)
 Returns an enumeration of integers as an array expression. More...
ArrayExpr< int, 1 > iarray (const Slice &s)
 Returns an enumeration of integers as an array expression. More...
ArrayExpr< int, 1 > iarray (const SliceFromTo &s)
 Returns an enumeration of integers as an array expression. More...
template<class T , int N>
Array< T, N > makeContiguous (const Array< T, N > &a)
 Converts an array to a contiguous array. More...
template<class T >
void sort (const Array< T > &a)
 Sorts a one-dimensional array in ascending order. More...
template<class T >
void sort (const Array< int > &perm, const Array< T > &a)
 Sorts an array in ascending order through an index array. More...
template<class T >
int binarySearch (const T &value, const Array< T > &a)
 Searches a sorted array for an element with a specific value. More...
template<class T >
int lowerBound (const T &value, const Array< T > &a)
 Searches a sorted array for the first element with a specific value. More...
template<class T >
int upperBound (const T &value, const Array< T > &a)
 Searches a sorted array for the first element that is larger than a specific value. More...
template<class T >
SliceFromTo equalRange (const T &value, const Array< T > &a)
 Searches a sorted array for a set of elements that all have a specific value. More...
template<class T , int N, class E >
Array< T, N, ImagExpr< E > > imag (const Array< std::complex< T >, N, E > &e)
template<class T , int N, class E >
Array< T, N, RealExpr< E > > real (const Array< std::complex< T >, N, E > &e)
bool checkIndex (short index, int ubound)
bool checkIndex (unsigned short index, int ubound)
bool checkIndex (int index, int ubound)
bool checkIndex (unsigned int index, int ubound)
bool checkIndex (lint index, int ubound)
bool checkIndex (ulint index, int ubound)
bool checkIndex (short index, lint ubound)
bool checkIndex (unsigned short index, lint ubound)
bool checkIndex (int index, lint ubound)
bool checkIndex (unsigned int index, lint ubound)
bool checkIndex (lint index, lint ubound)
bool checkIndex (ulint index, lint ubound)
void assertFailed_ (const char *expr, const char *mesg, const char *func, const char *file, int line)
void assertNoThrowFailed_ (const char *expr, const char *mesg, const char *func, const char *file, int line)
void precheckFailed_ (const char *expr, const char *mesg, const char *func, const char *file, int line)
template<class T >
void swap (AutoPointer< T > &lhs, AutoPointer< T > &rhs)
bool igetenv (lint &ival, const char *name)
template<class T >
minOf ()
template<class T >
minOf (const T &)
template<class T >
maxOf ()
template<class T >
maxOf (const T &)
bool isTiny (float x)
bool isTiny (double x)
void runOnce_ (Once &once, void(*func)(int), int i)
void runOnce_ (Once &once, void(*func)())
void runOnce (Once &once, void(*func)())
void runOnce (Once &once, void(*func)(int), int i)
void mallocFailed (const String &where, lint size)
template<class Getter >
Ref< FieldmakeField (const String &name, Getter getter)
template<class Getter , class Setter >
Ref< FieldmakeField (const String &name, Getter getter, Setter setter)
template<class M >
Ref< MethodmakeMethod (const String &name, M method)
template<class T >
ClasstypeOf ()
template<class T >
ClasstypeOf (const T &value)
template<class T >
bool isInstance (const Ref< Object > &obj)
template<class T >
Ref< ObjecttoObject (const T &value)
template<class T >
toValue (const Ref< Object > &obj)
template<class T >
bool toValue (T &value, const Ref< Object > &obj)
void swap (StringBuffer &lhs, StringBuffer &rhs)
void decode (io::DataInput &in, StringBuffer &sb)
void decode (io::DataOutput &out, const StringBuffer &sb)
void read (io::TextInput &in, StringBuffer &sb)
void print (io::TextOutput &out, const StringBuffer &sb)
template<class U , class T , int M, int N, class E >
Tuple< U, M, N, UnaryExpr< StaticCast< U, T >, Tuple< T, M, N, E > > > castTo (const Tuple< T, M, N, E > &e)
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E1 , class E2 , class E3 >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 >, Tuple< T, M, N, E2 >, Tuple< U, M, N, E3 > > > where (const Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 > &mask, const Tuple< T, M, N, E2 > &lhs, const Tuple< U, M, N, E3 > &rhs)
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 >, Tuple< T, M, N, E2 >, Tuple< U, 0, 0 > > > where (const Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 > &mask, const Tuple< T, M, N, E2 > &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 >, Tuple< T, 0, 0 >, Tuple< U, M, N, E2 > > > where (const Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 > &mask, const T &lhs, const Tuple< U, M, N, E2 > &rhs)
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes< T, U >::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple< bool, M, N, E >, Tuple< T, 0, 0 >, Tuple< U, 0, 0 > > > where (const Tuple< bool, M, N, E > &mask, const T &lhs, const U &rhs)
template<class T , int M, int N>
min (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &e)
 Computes the minimum value of a tuple expression. More...
template<class T , int M, int N>
max (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &e)
 Computes the maximum value of a tuple expression. More...
template<class T , int M, int N>
sum (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &e)
 Computes the sum of all elements in a tuple expression. More...
template<class T , int M, int N>
product (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &e)
 Computes the product of all elements in a tuple expression. More...
template<class T , int M, int N>
bool testall (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &e)
 Tests whether all elements in a tuple expression are true. More...
template<class T , int M, int N>
bool testany (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &e)
 Tests whether at least one element in a tuple expression is true. More...
template<class T , int M, int N>
bool equal (const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &lhs, const TupleExpr< T, M, N > &rhs)
 Tests whether two tuple expressions are equal. More...
template<class T >
Tuple< T, 1 > makeTuple (T a)
 Constructs a one-dimensional tuple of size 1. More...
template<class T >
Tuple< T, 2 > makeTuple (T a, T b)
 Constructs a one-dimensional tuple of size 2. More...
template<class T >
Tuple< T, 3 > makeTuple (T a, T b, T c)
 Constructs a one-dimensional tuple of size 3. More...
template<class T >
Tuple< T, 4 > makeTuple (T a, T b, T c, T d)
 Constructs a one-dimensional tuple of size 4. More...
void abort (const char *where, const char *what)
 Prints a message and aborts the current program. More...
template<class T >
const T & min (const T &lhs, const T &rhs)
 Returns the minimum of two values. More...
template<class T >
const T & max (const T &lhs, const T &rhs)
 Returns the maximum of two values. More...
template<class T >
void swap (T &lhs, T &rhs)
 Interchanges two objects. More...


relates Ref brief Creates a collectable object of type a T Equivalent with
const Nil NIL
 A pre-defined instance of the class Nil. More...

Detailed Description

The namespace jem contains the fundamental classes that are used in all other packages of Jive. These classes provide support for multi-dimensional array expresssions, multi-threading, reflection, garbage collection and exception handling.

All classes and functions in this namespace can be found in the package jem.base.

Function Documentation

template<class U , class T , int N, class E >
Array< U, N, UnaryExpr< StaticCast<U,T>, Array<T,N,E> > > jem::castTo ( const Array< T, N, E > &  e)
template<class T , class U , int N, class E1 , class E2 , class E3 >
Array< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array<bool,N,E1>, Array<T,N,E2>, Array<U,N,E3> > > jem::where ( const Array< bool, N, E1 > &  mask,
const Array< T, N, E2 > &  lhs,
const Array< U, N, E3 > &  rhs 
template<class T , class U , int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Array< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array<bool,N,E1>, Array<T,N,E2>, ScalarExpr<U> > > jem::where ( const Array< bool, N, E1 > &  mask,
const Array< T, N, E2 > &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 
template<class T , class U , int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Array< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array<bool,N,E1>, ScalarExpr<T>, Array<U,N,E2> > > jem::where ( const Array< bool, N, E1 > &  mask,
const T &  lhs,
const Array< U, N, E2 > &  rhs 
template<class T , class U , int N, class E >
Array< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, N, WhereExpr< Array<bool,N,E>, ScalarExpr<T>, ScalarExpr<U> > > jem::where ( const Array< bool, N, E > &  mask,
const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 
template<class I >
TensorIndex jem::operator+ ( const TensorIndex &  lhs,
template<class I >
TensorIndex jem::operator+ ( lhs,
const TensorIndex &  rhs 
template<class I >
TensorIndex jem::operator- ( const TensorIndex &  lhs,
template<class I >
TensorIndex jem::operator* ( const TensorIndex &  lhs,
template<class I >
TensorIndex jem::operator* ( lhs,
const TensorIndex &  rhs 
template<class I >
TensorIndex jem::operator/ ( const TensorIndex &  lhs,
template<class T , int N, class E >
Array<T,N,ImagExpr<E> > jem::imag ( const Array< std::complex< T >, N, E > &  e)
Array.cpp, and Tuple.cpp.
template<class T , int N, class E >
Array<T,N,RealExpr<E> > jem::real ( const Array< std::complex< T >, N, E > &  e)
bool jem::checkIndex ( short  index,
int  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( unsigned short  index,
int  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( int  index,
int  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( unsigned int  index,
int  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( lint  index,
int  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( ulint  index,
int  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( short  index,
lint  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( unsigned short  index,
lint  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( int  index,
lint  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( unsigned int  index,
lint  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( lint  index,
lint  ubound 
bool jem::checkIndex ( ulint  index,
lint  ubound 
void jem::assertFailed_ ( const char *  expr,
const char *  mesg,
const char *  func,
const char *  file,
int  line 
void jem::assertNoThrowFailed_ ( const char *  expr,
const char *  mesg,
const char *  func,
const char *  file,
int  line 
void jem::precheckFailed_ ( const char *  expr,
const char *  mesg,
const char *  func,
const char *  file,
int  line 
template<class T >
void jem::swap ( AutoPointer< T > &  lhs,
AutoPointer< T > &  rhs 
bool jem::igetenv ( lint &  ival,
const char *  name 
template<class T >
T jem::minOf ( )
template<class T >
T jem::minOf ( const T &  )
template<class T >
T jem::maxOf ( )
template<class T >
T jem::maxOf ( const T &  )
bool jem::isTiny ( float  x)
bool jem::isTiny ( double  x)
void jem::runOnce_ ( Once once,
void(*)(int)  func,
int  i 
void jem::runOnce_ ( Once once,
void(*)()  func 
void jem::runOnce ( Once once,
void(*)()  func 
void jem::runOnce ( Once once,
void(*)(int)  func,
int  i 
void jem::mallocFailed ( const String where,
lint  size 
template<class Getter >
Ref< Field > jem::makeField ( const String name,
Getter  getter 
template<class Getter , class Setter >
Ref< Field > jem::makeField ( const String name,
Getter  getter,
Setter  setter 
template<class M >
Ref< Method > jem::makeMethod ( const String name,
template<class T >
Class * jem::typeOf ( )
template<class T >
Class * jem::typeOf ( const T &  value)
template<class T >
bool jem::isInstance ( const Ref< Object > &  obj)
template<class T >
Ref< Object > jem::toObject ( const T &  value)
template<class T >
T jem::toValue ( const Ref< Object > &  obj)
template<class T >
bool jem::toValue ( T &  value,
const Ref< Object > &  obj 
void jem::swap ( StringBuffer lhs,
StringBuffer rhs 
void jem::decode ( io::DataInput in,
StringBuffer sb 
void jem::decode ( io::DataOutput out,
const StringBuffer sb 
void jem::read ( io::TextInput in,
StringBuffer sb 
void jem::print ( io::TextOutput out,
const StringBuffer sb 
template<class U , class T , int M, int N, class E >
Tuple< U, M, N, UnaryExpr< StaticCast<U,T>, Tuple<T,M,N,E> > > jem::castTo ( const Tuple< T, M, N, E > &  e)
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E1 , class E2 , class E3 >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple<bool,M,N,E1>, Tuple<T,M,N,E2>, Tuple<U,M,N,E3> > > jem::where ( const Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 > &  mask,
const Tuple< T, M, N, E2 > &  lhs,
const Tuple< U, M, N, E3 > &  rhs 
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple<bool,M,N,E1>, Tuple<T,M,N,E2>, Tuple<U,0,0> > > jem::where ( const Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 > &  mask,
const Tuple< T, M, N, E2 > &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E1 , class E2 >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple<bool,M,N,E1>, Tuple<T,0,0>, Tuple<U,M,N,E2> > > jem::where ( const Tuple< bool, M, N, E1 > &  mask,
const T &  lhs,
const Tuple< U, M, N, E2 > &  rhs 
template<class T , class U , int M, int N, class E >
Tuple< typename PromoteTypes<T,U>::ResultType, M, N, WhereExpr< Tuple<bool,M,N,E>, Tuple<T,0,0>, Tuple<U,0,0> > > jem::where ( const Tuple< bool, M, N, E > &  mask,
const T &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Variable Documentation

relates Ref brief Creates a collectable object of type a T Equivalent jem::with