Jive reference manual
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NjemThis namespace contains the fundamental classes that are used in all other packages of Jem
 NglThis namespace contains classes and functions for building OpenGL-based graphics applications
 Nhdf5This namespace exports classes for accessing HDF5 files
 NioThis namespace contains classes and functions that provide support for input and output operations
 NmpThis namespace provides support for building parallel message passing programs
 NmtThis namespace provides support for building multi-threaded parallel programs
 NnumericThis namespace provides support for developing numerical algorithms and applications
 NstdThis namespace provides support for using the standard library
 NutilThis namespace exports various container classes and an event framework
 NxmlThis namespace contains classes and functions dealing with XML documents
 NxutilThis namespace exports extra utility classes and functions
 NalgebraThis namespace contains classes that implement common matrix-vector operations
 NappThe classes and functions in this namespace provide a modular application framework
 NfemThe classes and functions in this namespace can be used to develop finite element applications
 NfemodelThis namespace exports a collection of finite element models
 NgeomThis namespace contains a collection of shape classes that encapsulate the geometrical properties of a finite element
 NglThe classes and functions in this namespace can be used for viewing meshes
 NgraphThis namespace contains classes and functions to deal with graphs
 NimplictThis namespace exports modules for solving systems of equations implicitly
 NmbodyThis namespace contains various classes and functions that can be used in multi-body simulations
 NmeshThe classes and functions in this namespace can be used to generate meshes
 NmodelThe classes and functions provide a framework for implementing modular, numerical models
 NmpThis namepace contains basic components for building parallel, numerical programs
 NsolverThis namespace contains classes and functions for solving linear systems of equations
 NutilThis namespace contains various classes and functions for storing and manipulating frequently used data structures