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jem::gl Namespace Reference

This namespace contains classes and functions for building OpenGL-based graphics applications. More...


class  ActionParams
class  Actions
class  Attributes
class  Box
class  Buttons
class  CallbackQueue
class  Camera
class  Camera2D
class  Camera3D
class  Click2Event
class  Color
class  ColoredMarker
class  ColorMap
class  ColorMapScope
class  CommandEvent
class  Commands
class  Compound
class  Controller
class  CustomPalette
class  Display
class  DisplayException
class  DummyAttribs
class  DummyNode
class  ErrorHandler
class  EventHandler
class  EventHandler2D
class  EventHandler3D
class  EventNode
class  EventQueue
class  Font
class  FontScope
class  FrameGrabber
class  GeomNode
class  GfxContext
class  GfxError
class  GfxEvent
class  GfxNode
class  GLActionParams
class  GLActions
class  GLException
class  GLSetup
class  GLSetup2D
class  GLSetup3D
class  GraphViewer
class  GroupNode
class  InitEvent
class  KeyEvent
class  KeyPress
class  Keys
class  LeafNode
class  Lights
class  LinearPalette
class  LineSet
class  MarkerSet
class  MarkerStyle
class  Menu
class  MenuNode
class  MessageBox
class  MotionEvent
class  MouseClick
class  MouseDrag
class  MouseEvent
class  MultiNode
class  NRActionParams
class  NRActions
class  NumberMarker
class  Orb
class  OrbMarker
class  OrthoCamera
class  OrthoCamera3D
class  OrthoTextScope
class  OSContext
class  Palette
class  PalettePainter
class  Pivotable
class  PNGGrabber
class  PointMarker
class  PointSampler
class  Popup
class  PPMGrabber
class  PrintErrHandler
class  PropertyNames
class  RainbowPalette
class  Rect
class  RedrawEvent
class  RedrawRoot
class  ResizeEvent
class  RubberBand
class  Size2
class  StdAttribs
class  StdCamera
class  StdEventHandler
class  StdGLSetup
class  SymbolMarker
class  Symbols
class  TeeMarker
class  TextBalloon
class  TextPainter
class  TextProjector
class  TextScope
class  TextureException
class  TextureManager
class  Transform
class  Transformable
class  Transformer
class  TriangleSet
class  Vertex
class  VertexSet
class  Viewer
class  Viewport
class  Window
class  WrapperNode
class  XYPlot


typedef Array< idx_t > IdxVector
typedef Array< idx_t, 2 > IdxMatrix
typedef Array< GLbyte > GLbyteVector
typedef Array< GLbyte, 2 > GLbyteMatrix
typedef Array< GLubyte > GLubyteVector
typedef Array< GLubyte, 2 > GLubyteMatrix
typedef Array< GLfloat > GLfloatVector
typedef Array< GLfloat, 2 > GLfloatMatrix
typedef Array< GLdouble > GLdoubleVector
typedef Array< GLdouble, 2 > GLdoubleMatrix
typedef AutoPointer< GfxEventEventPtr
typedef AutoPointer< RedrawEventRedrawEventPtr
typedef PropertyNames PropNames
typedef Size2< GLsizei > Size2i
typedef Size2< GLfloat > Size2f
typedef Size2< GLdouble > Size2d
typedef Tuple< GLint, 2 > Vertex2i
typedef Tuple< GLfloat, 2 > Vertex2f
typedef Tuple< GLdouble, 2 > Vertex2d
typedef Tuple< GLint, 3 > Vertex3i
typedef Tuple< GLfloat, 3 > Vertex3f
typedef Tuple< GLdouble, 3 > Vertex3d
typedef Tuple< GLint, 4 > Vertex4i
typedef Tuple< GLfloat, 4 > Vertex4f
typedef Tuple< GLdouble, 4 > Vertex4d


enum  Alignment {
enum  FontSize {
enum  FontType {
enum  FontID {


void setCurrent (const Attributes &attribs)
void setCurrent (const Attributes &attribs, int fields)
void getCurrent (Attributes &attribs)
void getCurrent (Attributes &attribs, int fields)
void getAttribsOf (GfxNode *node, const Properties &attribs)
void swap (Box &lhs, Box &rhs)
bool isVisible (const Box &box, const Transform &proj)
double distance (const Box &first, const Box &second)
bool overlap (const Box &first, const Box &second)
GLbyte toByte (float fval)
GLbyte toByte (double dval)
GLubyte toUbyte (float fval)
GLubyte toUbyte (double dval)
float toFloat (GLbyte bval)
float toFloat (GLubyte bval)
double toDouble (GLbyte bval)
double toDouble (GLubyte bval)
void convert (GLbyte &lhs, float rhs)
void convert (GLbyte &lhs, double rhs)
void convert (GLubyte &lhs, float rhs)
void convert (GLubyte &lhs, double rhs)
void convert (float &lhs, GLbyte rhs)
void convert (float &lhs, GLubyte rhs)
void convert (double &lhs, GLbyte rhs)
void convert (double &lhs, GLubyte rhs)
void read (io::TextInput &in, Color &c)
template<class Output >
void print (Output &out, const Color &c)
bool clamp (Color &c)
Color clamped (const Color &c)
void setCurrent (const Color &c)
void getCurrent (Color &c)
bool isOpaque (GLfloat alpha)
bool isCompound (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
CompoundtoCompound (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
CompoundtoCompound (GfxNode &node)
void addChild (GfxNode &parent, const Ref< GfxNode > &child)
void eraseChild (GfxNode &parent, const Ref< GfxNode > &child)
bool addToScene (const Ref< GfxNode > &scene, const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
void eraseFromParent (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
Ref< ControllernewController2D (const Ref< Camera > &camera, const Ref< MultiNode > &world)
Ref< ControllernewController3D (const Ref< Camera > &camera, const Ref< MultiNode > &world)
void indexError (const String &where, const String &name, idx_t index, idx_t ubound=-1)
void sizeError (const String &where, const String &name, idx_t size)
void shapeError (const String &where, const String &name, const Tuple< idx_t, 2 > &sh)
void zeroVectorError (const String &where, const String &name)
void swap (Font &lhs, Font &rhs)
void print (TextOutput &out, const Font &font)
bool passAction (Ref< GfxNode > child, const String &action, const Properties &params)
bool passGLAction (Ref< GfxNode > child, GfxContext &gtx, int action, const Properties &params)
void configChild (Ref< GfxNode > child, const Properties &props)
Ref< MessageBoxshowMessage (Viewer &viewer, const Ref< GfxNode > &node, const String &text, Alignment hAlign=CENTERED, Alignment vAlign=CENTERED)
Ref< MessageBoxshowMessage (GfxContext &gtx, const Ref< GfxNode > &node, const String &text, Alignment hAlign=CENTERED, Alignment vAlign=CENTERED)
Ref< MessageBoxshowMessageUntil (GfxContext &gtx, const Ref< GfxNode > &node, const String &text, const Time &deadline, Alignment hAlign=CENTERED, Alignment vAlign=CENTERED)
void explode (MultiNode &multi, double scale=0.1)
double mapColorToValue (double &val, double prec, const Color &color, const Color &minColor, const Color &maxColor)
void makeLinearColorMap (ColorMap &colorMap, idx_t colorCount, const Palette &palette)
void swap (Rect &lhs, Rect &rhs)
void print (TextOutput &out, const Rect &rect)
void getViewport (Rect &vport)
Rect getViewport ()
void loadOrtho (const Rect &vport, GLdouble clip0, GLdouble clip1)
bool isRedrawRoot (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
GfxNodefindRedrawRoot (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
template<class T >
void swap (Size2< T > &lhs, Size2< T > &rhs)
template<class T >
Size2< T > makeSize (T width, T height)
template<class Output , class T >
void print (Output &out, const Size2< T > &size)
Ref< TextBalloonshowBalloon (GfxContext &gtx, const Ref< GfxNode > &node, const String &text)
Ref< TextBalloonshowBalloon (GfxContext &gtx, const Ref< GfxNode > &node, const String &text, int xPos, int yPos)
void swap (Transform &lhs, Transform &rhs)
void print (TextOutput &out, const Transform &tr)
void getCurrent (Transform &tr)
void setCurrent (const Transform &tr)
void multCurrent (const Transform &tr)
Vertex2d matmul (const Transform &a, const Vertex2d &b)
Vertex3d matmul (const Transform &a, const Vertex3d &b)
Vertex4d matmul (const Transform &a, const Vertex4d &b)
Transform matmul (const Transform &a, const Transform &b)
void matmul (Vertex2d &r, const Transform &a, const Vertex2d &b)
void matmul (Vertex3d &r, const Transform &a, const Vertex3d &b)
void matmul (Vertex4d &r, const Transform &a, const Vertex4d &b)
void matmul (Transform &r, const Transform &a, const Transform &b)
Vertex3d project (const Transform &p, const Vertex3d &v)
bool project (Vertex3d &d, const Transform &p, const Vertex3d &v)
bool project (Vertex2d &d, const Transform &p, const Vertex3d &v)
Vertex3d unproject (const Transform &p, const Vertex3d &d)
bool unproject (Vertex3d &v, const Transform &p, const Vertex3d &d)
void getProjection (Transform &p)
void toWindow (Vertex3d &v, const Rect &vport)
void fromWindow (Vertex2d &v, const Rect &vport)
void fromWindow (Vertex3d &v, const Rect &vport)
Transform inverse (const Transform &tr)
bool invert (Transform &tr)
GLdouble reldiff (const Transform &a, const Transform &b)
bool isTransformable (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
TransformabletoTransformable (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
TransformabletoTransformable (GfxNode &node)
Transform getTransformOf (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
Transform getProjectionOf (const Ref< GfxNode > &node)
bool fromWindowToNode (Vertex3d &v, const GfxNode &node)
GLdouble getAngle (const Vertex2d &e1, const Vertex2d &e2)
template<class T , int N>
normalize (Tuple< T, N > &vx)
template<class T >
getNormal (Tuple< T, 3 > &n, const Tuple< T, 3 > &a, const Tuple< T, 3 > &b)
template<class T >
normalize (Tuple< T, 2 > &vx)
template<class T >
normalize (Tuple< T, 3 > &vx)

Detailed Description

The namespace jem::gl contains classes and functions that provide support for building OpenGL-based graphics applications.

All classes and functions in this namespace can be found in the package jem.gl.

Typedef Documentation

typedef Array<idx_t> jem::gl::IdxVector
typedef Array<idx_t,2> jem::gl::IdxMatrix
typedef Array<GLbyte> jem::gl::GLbyteVector
typedef Array<GLbyte,2> jem::gl::GLbyteMatrix
typedef Array<GLubyte> jem::gl::GLubyteVector
typedef Array<GLubyte,2> jem::gl::GLubyteMatrix
typedef Array<GLfloat> jem::gl::GLfloatVector
typedef Array<GLfloat,2> jem::gl::GLfloatMatrix
typedef Array<GLdouble> jem::gl::GLdoubleVector
typedef Array<GLdouble,2> jem::gl::GLdoubleMatrix
typedef Size2<GLsizei> jem::gl::Size2i
typedef Size2<GLfloat> jem::gl::Size2f
typedef Size2<GLdouble> jem::gl::Size2d
typedef Tuple<GLint,2> jem::gl::Vertex2i
typedef Tuple<GLfloat,2> jem::gl::Vertex2f
typedef Tuple<GLdouble,2> jem::gl::Vertex2d
typedef Tuple<GLint,3> jem::gl::Vertex3i
typedef Tuple<GLfloat,3> jem::gl::Vertex3f
typedef Tuple<GLdouble,3> jem::gl::Vertex3d
typedef Tuple<GLint,4> jem::gl::Vertex4i
typedef Tuple<GLfloat,4> jem::gl::Vertex4f
typedef Tuple<GLdouble,4> jem::gl::Vertex4d

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

void jem::gl::setCurrent ( const Attributes attribs)
void jem::gl::setCurrent ( const Attributes attribs,
int  fields 
void jem::gl::getCurrent ( Attributes attribs)
void jem::gl::getCurrent ( Attributes attribs,
int  fields 
void jem::gl::getAttribsOf ( GfxNode node,
const Properties attribs 
void jem::gl::swap ( Box lhs,
Box rhs 
bool jem::gl::isVisible ( const Box box,
const Transform proj 
double jem::gl::distance ( const Box first,
const Box second 
bool jem::gl::overlap ( const Box first,
const Box second 
GLbyte jem::gl::toByte ( float  fval)
GLbyte jem::gl::toByte ( double  dval)
GLubyte jem::gl::toUbyte ( float  fval)
GLubyte jem::gl::toUbyte ( double  dval)
float jem::gl::toFloat ( GLbyte  bval)
float jem::gl::toFloat ( GLubyte  bval)
double jem::gl::toDouble ( GLbyte  bval)
double jem::gl::toDouble ( GLubyte  bval)
void jem::gl::convert ( GLbyte &  lhs,
float  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( GLbyte &  lhs,
double  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( GLubyte &  lhs,
float  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( GLubyte &  lhs,
double  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( float &  lhs,
GLbyte  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( float &  lhs,
GLubyte  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( double &  lhs,
GLbyte  rhs 
void jem::gl::convert ( double &  lhs,
GLubyte  rhs 
void jem::gl::read ( io::TextInput in,
Color c 
template<class Output >
void jem::gl::print ( Output &  out,
const Color c 
bool jem::gl::clamp ( Color c)
Color jem::gl::clamped ( const Color c)
void jem::gl::setCurrent ( const Color c)
void jem::gl::getCurrent ( Color c)
bool jem::gl::isOpaque ( GLfloat  alpha)
bool jem::gl::isCompound ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
Compound * jem::gl::toCompound ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
Compound& jem::gl::toCompound ( GfxNode node)
void jem::gl::addChild ( GfxNode parent,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  child 
void jem::gl::eraseChild ( GfxNode parent,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  child 
bool jem::gl::addToScene ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  scene,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  node 
void jem::gl::eraseFromParent ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
Ref<Controller> jem::gl::newController2D ( const Ref< Camera > &  camera,
const Ref< MultiNode > &  world 
Ref<Controller> jem::gl::newController3D ( const Ref< Camera > &  camera,
const Ref< MultiNode > &  world 
void jem::gl::indexError ( const String where,
const String name,
idx_t  index,
idx_t  ubound = -1 
void jem::gl::sizeError ( const String where,
const String name,
idx_t  size 
void jem::gl::shapeError ( const String where,
const String name,
const Tuple< idx_t, 2 > &  sh 
void jem::gl::zeroVectorError ( const String where,
const String name 
void jem::gl::swap ( Font lhs,
Font rhs 
void jem::gl::print ( TextOutput out,
const Font font 
bool jem::gl::passAction ( Ref< GfxNode child,
const String action,
const Properties params 
bool jem::gl::passGLAction ( Ref< GfxNode child,
GfxContext gtx,
int  action,
const Properties params 
void jem::gl::configChild ( Ref< GfxNode child,
const Properties props 
Ref<MessageBox> jem::gl::showMessage ( Viewer viewer,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  node,
const String text,
Alignment  hAlign = CENTERED,
Alignment  vAlign = CENTERED 
Ref<MessageBox> jem::gl::showMessage ( GfxContext gtx,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  node,
const String text,
Alignment  hAlign = CENTERED,
Alignment  vAlign = CENTERED 
Ref<MessageBox> jem::gl::showMessageUntil ( GfxContext gtx,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  node,
const String text,
const Time deadline,
Alignment  hAlign = CENTERED,
Alignment  vAlign = CENTERED 
void jem::gl::explode ( MultiNode multi,
double  scale = 0.1 
double jem::gl::mapColorToValue ( double &  val,
double  prec,
const Color color,
const Color minColor,
const Color maxColor 
void jem::gl::makeLinearColorMap ( ColorMap colorMap,
idx_t  colorCount,
const Palette palette 
void jem::gl::swap ( Rect lhs,
Rect rhs 
void jem::gl::print ( TextOutput out,
const Rect rect 
void jem::gl::getViewport ( Rect vport)
Rect jem::gl::getViewport ( )
void jem::gl::loadOrtho ( const Rect vport,
GLdouble  clip0,
GLdouble  clip1 
bool jem::gl::isRedrawRoot ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
GfxNode* jem::gl::findRedrawRoot ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
template<class T >
void jem::gl::swap ( Size2< T > &  lhs,
Size2< T > &  rhs 
template<class T >
Size2< T > jem::gl::makeSize ( width,
template<class Output , class T >
void jem::gl::print ( Output &  out,
const Size2< T > &  size 
Ref<TextBalloon> jem::gl::showBalloon ( GfxContext gtx,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  node,
const String text 
Ref<TextBalloon> jem::gl::showBalloon ( GfxContext gtx,
const Ref< GfxNode > &  node,
const String text,
int  xPos,
int  yPos 
void jem::gl::swap ( Transform lhs,
Transform rhs 
void jem::gl::print ( TextOutput out,
const Transform tr 
void jem::gl::getCurrent ( Transform tr)
void jem::gl::setCurrent ( const Transform tr)
void jem::gl::multCurrent ( const Transform tr)
Vertex2d jem::gl::matmul ( const Transform a,
const Vertex2d b 
Vertex3d jem::gl::matmul ( const Transform a,
const Vertex3d b 
Vertex4d jem::gl::matmul ( const Transform a,
const Vertex4d b 
Transform jem::gl::matmul ( const Transform a,
const Transform b 
void jem::gl::matmul ( Vertex2d r,
const Transform a,
const Vertex2d b 
void jem::gl::matmul ( Vertex3d r,
const Transform a,
const Vertex3d b 
void jem::gl::matmul ( Vertex4d r,
const Transform a,
const Vertex4d b 
void jem::gl::matmul ( Transform r,
const Transform a,
const Transform b 
Vertex3d jem::gl::project ( const Transform p,
const Vertex3d v 
bool jem::gl::project ( Vertex3d d,
const Transform p,
const Vertex3d v 
bool jem::gl::project ( Vertex2d d,
const Transform p,
const Vertex3d v 
Vertex3d jem::gl::unproject ( const Transform p,
const Vertex3d d 
bool jem::gl::unproject ( Vertex3d v,
const Transform p,
const Vertex3d d 
void jem::gl::getProjection ( Transform p)
void jem::gl::toWindow ( Vertex3d v,
const Rect vport 
void jem::gl::fromWindow ( Vertex2d v,
const Rect vport 
void jem::gl::fromWindow ( Vertex3d v,
const Rect vport 
Transform jem::gl::inverse ( const Transform tr)
bool jem::gl::invert ( Transform tr)
GLdouble jem::gl::reldiff ( const Transform a,
const Transform b 
bool jem::gl::isTransformable ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
Transformable * jem::gl::toTransformable ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
Transformable& jem::gl::toTransformable ( GfxNode node)
Transform jem::gl::getTransformOf ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
Transform jem::gl::getProjectionOf ( const Ref< GfxNode > &  node)
bool jem::gl::fromWindowToNode ( Vertex3d v,
const GfxNode node 
GLdouble jem::gl::getAngle ( const Vertex2d e1,
const Vertex2d e2 
template<class T , int N>
T jem::gl::normalize ( Tuple< T, N > &  vx)
template<class T >
T jem::gl::getNormal ( Tuple< T, 3 > &  n,
const Tuple< T, 3 > &  a,
const Tuple< T, 3 > &  b 
template<class T >
T jem::gl::normalize ( Tuple< T, 2 > &  vx)
template<class T >
T jem::gl::normalize ( Tuple< T, 3 > &  vx)