Jive reference manual
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
jive::geom Namespace Reference

This namespace contains a collection of shape classes that encapsulate the geometrical properties of a finite element. More...


class  BezierExtension
class  BezierExtractor
class  BiQuadraticQuad
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of bi-quadratic quadrilateral elements. More...
class  BoundaryHex8
class  BoundaryLine2
class  BoundaryLine3
class  BoundaryLine4
class  BoundaryPoint
class  BoundaryQuad12
class  BoundaryQuad4
class  BoundaryQuad6
class  BoundaryQuad8
class  BoundaryQuad9
class  BoundaryShape
 Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a boundary of a finite element. More...
class  BoundaryTriangle3
class  BoundaryTriangle6
class  BoxArray
class  BoxManager
class  BShapeFactory
class  CustomShapeTable
class  Geometries
class  Globdat
class  Grad2Extension
class  GridBoxManager
class  HyperHex
class  HyperHex16
class  IntegrationSchemes
class  InterfaceShape
class  InternalShape
 Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a regular, internal element. More...
class  IShapeFactory
class  LinearHexahedron
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear hexahedron elements. More...
class  LinearLine
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear line elements. More...
class  LinearQuad
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear quadrilateral elements. More...
class  LinearTetrahedron
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear tetrahedron elements. More...
class  LinearTriangle
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of linear triangle elements. More...
class  MaskMatrix
class  Parametric4DShape
class  Parametric4DSurf
class  ParametricArea
class  ParametricBoundary
class  ParametricEdge
class  ParametricLine
class  ParametricShape
class  ParametricSurface
class  ParametricUtils
class  ParametricVolume
class  PropertyNames
class  QuadraticHexahedron
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic hexahedron elements. More...
class  QuadraticLine
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic line elements. More...
class  QuadraticQuad
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic quadrilateral elements. More...
class  QuadraticTetrahedron
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic tetrahedron elements. More...
class  QuadraticTriangle
 Constructs shape objects that encapsulate the geometrical properties of quadratic triangle elements. More...
class  Shape
 Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a finite element. More...
class  ShapeBoundary
class  ShapeFactory
class  ShapeTable
class  ShapeTableFactory
class  SimpleBoxManager
class  SimpleMaskMatrix
class  SimpleShapeTable
class  StdBezierShape
class  StdBoundary
class  StdCube
class  StdCube16
class  StdCube20
class  StdCube27B
class  StdCube3Bx2x2
class  StdCube8
class  StdEdge
class  StdHyperCube
class  StdHyperCube16
class  StdLine
class  StdLine2
class  StdLine2C1
class  StdLine3
class  StdLine3B
class  StdLine4
class  StdLine4B
class  StdLine5B
class  StdLine6B
class  StdPrism
class  StdPumShape
class  StdShape
 Encapsulates the geometrical properties of a finite element in its local coordinate system. More...
class  StdShapeFactory
class  StdShapeTable
class  StdSquare
class  StdSquare12
class  StdSquare16B
class  StdSquare25B
class  StdSquare3Bx2
class  StdSquare4
class  StdSquare4Bx2
class  StdSquare4Bx3B
class  StdSquare5Bx2
class  StdSquare5Bx3B
class  StdSquare6
class  StdSquare6Bx3B
class  StdSquare8
class  StdSquare9
class  StdSquare9B
class  StdTetrahedron
class  StdTetrahedron10
class  StdTetrahedron4
class  StdTriangle
class  StdTriangle3
class  StdTriangle6
class  StdWedge
class  StdWedge18
class  StdWedge6
class  TrueMaskMatrix
class  TypeDefs
 Contains commonly used type definitions. More...
class  Wedge
class  Wedge18
class  Wedge6


typedef BoundaryLine2 LinearBoundaryLine
typedef BoundaryLine3 QuadraticBoundaryLine
typedef BoundaryQuad4 LinearBoundaryQuad
typedef BoundaryQuad8 QuadraticBoundaryQuad
typedef BoundaryQuad9 BiQuadraticBoundaryQuad
typedef BoundaryTriangle3 LinearBoundaryTriangle
typedef BoundaryTriangle6 QuadraticBoundaryTriangle
typedef IntegrationSchemes ISchemes
typedef InterfaceShape FShape
typedef PropertyNames PropNames
typedef StdShape SShape
typedef InternalShape IShape
typedef BoundaryShape BShape
typedef jem::Array< Ref< Shape > > ShapeVector
typedef jem::Array< Ref< SShape > > SShapeVector
typedef jem::Array< Ref< IShape > > IShapeVector
typedef jem::Array< Ref< BShape > > BShapeVector
typedef jem::Array< Ref< FShape > > FShapeVector
typedef jem::Array< Ref< StdBoundary > > SBShapeVector
typedef jem::Array< Ref< Shape >, 2 > ShapeMatrix
typedef jem::Array< Ref< SShape >, 2 > SShapeMatrix
typedef jem::Array< Ref< IShape >, 2 > IShapeMatrix
typedef jem::Array< Ref< BShape >, 2 > BShapeMatrix
typedef jem::Array< Ref< FShape >, 2 > FShapeMatrix
typedef StdCube8 StdLinearCube
typedef StdCube20 StdQuadraticCube
typedef StdLine2 StdLinearLine
typedef StdLine3 StdQuadraticLine
typedef StdSquare4 StdLinearSquare
typedef StdSquare8 StdQuadraticSquare
typedef StdSquare9 StdBiQuadraticSquare
typedef StdTetrahedron4 StdLinearTetrahedron
typedef StdTetrahedron10 StdQuadraticTetrahedron
typedef StdTriangle3 StdLinearTriangle
typedef StdTriangle6 StdQuadraticTriangle
typedef StdWedge6 StdLinearWedge
typedef StdWedge18 StdBiQuadraticWedge
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 1 > Vec1
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 2 > Vec2
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 3 > Vec3
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 4 > Vec4
typedef jem::Tuple< idx_t, 1 > IdxVec1
typedef jem::Tuple< idx_t, 2 > IdxVec2
typedef jem::Tuple< idx_t, 3 > IdxVec3
typedef jem::Tuple< idx_t, 4 > IdxVec4
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 1, 1 > Mat1x1
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 2, 2 > Mat2x2
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 3, 2 > Mat3x2
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 3, 3 > Mat3x3
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 4, 4 > Mat4x4
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 6, 3 > Mat6x3
typedef jem::Tuple< double, 6, 6 > Mat6x6
typedef Wedge6 LinearWedge
typedef Wedge18 BiQuadraticWedge


void matmul (const Vector &lhs, const BezierExtractor &bez, const Vector &rhs)
void matmul (const Matrix &lhs, const BezierExtractor &bez, const Matrix &rhs)
void decode (DataInput &in, BezierExtractor &bez)
void encode (DataOutput &out, const BezierExtractor &bez)
void findMinMaxBoxes (int &jmin, int &jmax, const util::Matrix &boxes)
 Finds the boxes with the smallest and largest size. More...
double sizeofBox (const util::Vector &box)
 Returns the size of a box. More...
double sizeofSmallestBox (const util::Matrix &boxes)
 Returns the size of the smallest box in an array of boxes. More...
void getBoxSizes (const util::Vector &sizes, const util::Matrix &boxes)
 Computes the sizes of an array of boxes. More...
void getBoxCenter (const util::Vector &center, const util::Vector &box)
 Computes the center of a box. More...
void getBoxCenters (const util::Matrix &centers, const util::Matrix &boxes)
 Computes the centers of an array of boxes. More...
void makeBox (const util::Vector &box, const util::Vector &center, double size)
 Creates a box given its center and size. More...
void makeBoxes (const util::Matrix &boxes, const util::Matrix &centers, double size)
 Creates an array of boxes with a constant size. More...
void makeBoxes (const util::Matrix &boxes, const util::Matrix &centers, const util::Vector &sizes)
 Creates an array of boxes with varying sizes. More...
void scaleBox (const util::Vector &box, double scale)
 Scales a box. More...
void scaleBoxes (const util::Matrix &boxes, double scale)
 Scales an array of boxes with a constant scale factor. More...
void scaleBoxes (const util::Matrix &boxes, const util::Vector &scales)
 Scales an array of boxes with varying scale factors. More...
template<class Input >
void decode (Input &in, BoxArray &ba)
template<class Output >
void encode (Output &out, const BoxArray &ba)
void declareShapes ()
void declare1DShapes ()
void declare2DShapes ()
void declare3DShapes ()
void declare4DShapes ()
void declareSShapes ()
void declare1DSShapes ()
void declare2DSShapes ()
void declare3DSShapes ()
void declare4DSShapes ()
void declareIShapes ()
void declare1DIShapes ()
void declare2DIShapes ()
void declare3DIShapes ()
void declare4DIShapes ()
void declareBShapes ()
void declare1DBShapes ()
void declare2DBShapes ()
void declare3DBShapes ()
void declare4DBShapes ()
void declareGenericShapes ()
void singularMatrixError (const String &context, const String &matName)
void zeroVectorError (const String &context, const String &vecName)
IShapeVector toIShapes (const ShapeVector &shapes)
IShapeMatrix toIShapes (const ShapeMatrix &shapes)
BShapeVector toBShapes (const ShapeVector &shapes)
BShapeMatrix toBShapes (const ShapeMatrix &shapes)
FShapeVector toFShapes (const ShapeVector &shapes)
FShapeMatrix toFShapes (const ShapeMatrix &shapes)
void decode (ObjectInput &in, ShapeBoundary &sb)
void encode (ObjectOutput &out, const ShapeBoundary &sb)
util::TopoVector getTopologies (const IShapeVector &shapes)
void getGrad2Map (const IdxVector &imap, const IdxVector &jmap, idx_t rank)
template<int M, int N>
void getJacobi (Tuple< double, M, N > &ja, const Matrix &grads, const Matrix &coords)
template<int M, int N>
void getJacobi (Tuple< double, M, N > &ja, const Cubix &grads, idx_t ip, const Matrix &coords)
template<int M, int N>
void applyJacobi (const Matrix &ggrads, const Tuple< double, M, N > &ja, const Matrix &sgrads)
template<int M, int N>
void applyJacobi (const Cubix &ggrads, const Tuple< double, M, N > &ja, const Cubix &sgrads, idx_t ip)
void getQujobi (const Matrix &qu, const Matrix &ja)
template<int M, int N, int P, int Q>
void getQujobi (Tuple< double, M, N > &qu, const Tuple< double, P, Q > &ja)
template<int M>
void getGlobalPoint (Tuple< double, M > &x, const Vector &funcs, const Matrix &coords)
template<int M>
void getGlobalPoint (Tuple< double, M > &x, const Matrix &funcs, idx_t ip, const Matrix &coords)
void getQujobi (Tuple< double, 1, 1 > &qu, const Tuple< double, 1, 1 > &ja)
void getQujobi (Tuple< double, 3, 3 > &qu, const Tuple< double, 2, 2 > &ja)

Detailed Description

The namespace jive::geom contains a collection of shape classes that encapsulate the geometrical properties of a finite element. Such a shape class can be used, among others, to evaluate the shape functions of an element and to evaluate the integral of a function over the domain of an element.

All classes and functions in this namespace can be found in the package jive.geom.

Typedef Documentation

typedef jem::Tuple<double,1> jive::geom::Vec1
typedef jem::Tuple<double,2> jive::geom::Vec2
typedef jem::Tuple<double,3> jive::geom::Vec3
typedef jem::Tuple<double,4> jive::geom::Vec4
typedef jem::Tuple<idx_t,1> jive::geom::IdxVec1
typedef jem::Tuple<idx_t,2> jive::geom::IdxVec2
typedef jem::Tuple<idx_t,3> jive::geom::IdxVec3
typedef jem::Tuple<idx_t,4> jive::geom::IdxVec4
typedef jem::Tuple<double,1,1> jive::geom::Mat1x1
typedef jem::Tuple<double,2,2> jive::geom::Mat2x2
typedef jem::Tuple<double,3,2> jive::geom::Mat3x2
typedef jem::Tuple<double,3,3> jive::geom::Mat3x3
typedef jem::Tuple<double,4,4> jive::geom::Mat4x4
typedef jem::Tuple<double,6,3> jive::geom::Mat6x3
typedef jem::Tuple<double,6,6> jive::geom::Mat6x6

Function Documentation

void jive::geom::matmul ( const Vector &  lhs,
const BezierExtractor bez,
const Vector &  rhs 
void jive::geom::matmul ( const Matrix &  lhs,
const BezierExtractor bez,
const Matrix &  rhs 
void jive::geom::decode ( DataInput in,
BezierExtractor bez 
void jive::geom::encode ( DataOutput out,
const BezierExtractor bez 
template<class Input >
void jive::geom::decode ( Input &  in,
BoxArray ba 
template<class Output >
void jive::geom::encode ( Output &  out,
const BoxArray ba 
void jive::geom::declareShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare1DShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare2DShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare3DShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare4DShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declareSShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare1DSShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare2DSShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare3DSShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare4DSShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declareIShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare1DIShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare2DIShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare3DIShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare4DIShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declareBShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare1DBShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare2DBShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare3DBShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declare4DBShapes ( )
void jive::geom::declareGenericShapes ( )
void jive::geom::singularMatrixError ( const String context,
const String matName 
void jive::geom::zeroVectorError ( const String context,
const String vecName 
IShapeVector jive::geom::toIShapes ( const ShapeVector shapes)
IShapeMatrix jive::geom::toIShapes ( const ShapeMatrix shapes)
BShapeVector jive::geom::toBShapes ( const ShapeVector shapes)
BShapeMatrix jive::geom::toBShapes ( const ShapeMatrix shapes)
FShapeVector jive::geom::toFShapes ( const ShapeVector shapes)
FShapeMatrix jive::geom::toFShapes ( const ShapeMatrix shapes)
void jive::geom::decode ( ObjectInput in,
ShapeBoundary sb 
void jive::geom::encode ( ObjectOutput out,
const ShapeBoundary sb 
util::TopoVector jive::geom::getTopologies ( const IShapeVector shapes)
void jive::geom::getGrad2Map ( const IdxVector &  imap,
const IdxVector &  jmap,
idx_t  rank 
template<int M, int N>
void jive::geom::getJacobi ( Tuple< double, M, N > &  ja,
const Matrix &  grads,
const Matrix &  coords 
template<int M, int N>
void jive::geom::getJacobi ( Tuple< double, M, N > &  ja,
const Cubix &  grads,
idx_t  ip,
const Matrix &  coords 
template<int M, int N>
void jive::geom::applyJacobi ( const Matrix &  ggrads,
const Tuple< double, M, N > &  ja,
const Matrix &  sgrads 
template<int M, int N>
void jive::geom::applyJacobi ( const Cubix &  ggrads,
const Tuple< double, M, N > &  ja,
const Cubix &  sgrads,
idx_t  ip 
void jive::geom::getQujobi ( const Matrix &  qu,
const Matrix &  ja 
template<int M, int N, int P, int Q>
void jive::geom::getQujobi ( Tuple< double, M, N > &  qu,
const Tuple< double, P, Q > &  ja 
template<int M>
void jive::geom::getGlobalPoint ( Tuple< double, M > &  x,
const Vector &  funcs,
const Matrix &  coords 
template<int M>
void jive::geom::getGlobalPoint ( Tuple< double, M > &  x,
const Matrix &  funcs,
idx_t  ip,
const Matrix &  coords 
void jive::geom::getQujobi ( Tuple< double, 1, 1 > &  qu,
const Tuple< double, 1, 1 > &  ja 
void jive::geom::getQujobi ( Tuple< double, 3, 3 > &  qu,
const Tuple< double, 2, 2 > &  ja 