| AutoShapeTable2D () |
| AutoShapeTable2D (const String &name, const ElementSet &elems, idx_t maxPrec=0) |
| AutoShapeTable2D (const String &name, const ElementGroup &belems, const ElementGroup &felems, idx_t maxPrec=0) |
virtual void | readFrom (ObjectInput &in) |
virtual void | writeTo (ObjectOutput &out) const |
virtual void | configure (const Properties &props, const Properties &globdat) |
virtual void | getConfig (const Properties &conf) const |
virtual void | resetEvents () |
virtual ItemSet * | getItems () const |
virtual idx_t | maxPrecision () const |
virtual ShapeVector | getShapes (const IdxVector &map, idx_t prec) const |
virtual ShapeMatrix | getShapes (const IdxVector &map, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const |
virtual Shape * | getShapeOf (idx_t iitem, idx_t prec) const |
virtual ShapeVector | getShapesOf (const IdxVector &shapeMap, const IdxVector &iitems, idx_t prec) const |
virtual ShapeMatrix | getShapesOf (const IdxVector &shapeMap, const IdxVector &iitems, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const |
idx_t | itemCount () const |
virtual String | getContext () const |
virtual ShapeVector | getShapes (const IdxVector &map, const IdxVector &precs) const |
virtual ShapeVector | getShapesOf (const IdxVector &map, const IdxVector &iitems, const IdxVector &precs) const |
TopoVector | getShapeTopos (const IdxVector &map) const |
TopoVector | getShapeToposOf (const IdxVector &map, const IdxVector &iitems) const |
void | checkShapes (const String &context, int flags, idx_t prec=0) const |
void | checkShapes (const String &context, int flags, const IdxVector &precs) const |
void | checkShapes (const String &context, int flags, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const |
void | checkShapesOf (const String &context, const IdxVector &iitems, int flags, idx_t prec=0) const |
void | checkShapesOf (const String &context, const IdxVector &iitems, int flags, const IdxVector &precs) const |
void | checkShapesOf (const String &context, const IdxVector &iitems, int flags, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const |
void | store (const Properties &globdat) const |
| NamedObject (const String &name="") |
virtual String | toString () const |
| Returns a short textual description of this object. More...
String | getName () const |
virtual Class * | getClass () const |
| Returns the Class instance representing the runtime class of this object. More...
virtual long | hashValue () const |
| Returns a hash value for this object. More...
virtual bool | equals (const Ref< Object > &obj) const |
| Tests whether two objects are equal. More...
Ref< Object > | clone () const |
| Returns a copy of this object. More...
static void | initTriangProps (const Properties &props, idx_t prec, idx_t nodeCount) |
static void | initQuadProps (const Properties &props, idx_t prec, idx_t nodeCount) |
static void | initBLineProps (const Properties &props, idx_t prec, idx_t nodeCount) |
static void | declare () |
static Ref< ShapeTable > | makeNew (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Properties &props, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat) |
static void | declare () |
static Ref< ShapeTable > | makeNew (const String &name, const Properties &conf, const Properties &props, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat) |
static int | getTypeFlags (const Shape &shape) |
static Ref< Self > | find (const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat) |
static Ref< Self > | get (const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat, const String &context) |
static String | makeContext (const String &kind, const String &name) |
static Class * | getType () |
| Returns the Class instance representing the Object class. More...
virtual | ~AutoShapeTable2D () |
virtual bool | makeIShapes_ (PrintWriter &log, const ShapeVector &shapes, idx_t nodeCount) |
virtual bool | makeBShapes_ (PrintWriter &log, const ShapeVector &shapes, idx_t nodeCount) |
| AutoShapeTable () |
| AutoShapeTable (const String &name, const ElementSet &elems, idx_t maxPrec) |
| AutoShapeTable (const String &name, const ElementGroup &belems, const ElementGroup &felems, idx_t maxPrec) |
virtual | ~AutoShapeTable () |
virtual void | update_ () |
virtual bool | makeFShapes_ (PrintWriter &log, const ShapeVector &shapes, idx_t nodeCount) |
| StdShapeTable () |
| StdShapeTable (const String &name, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, idx_t maxPrec=0) |
virtual | ~StdShapeTable () |
void | connect_ () |
void | itemsResized_ (idx_t itemCount) |
void | itemsReordered_ (const Reordering &reord) |
| ShapeTable (const String &name="") |
virtual | ~ShapeTable () |
virtual void | emitEvents_ (int events) |
virtual | ~NamedObject () |
| Collectable () |
| Creates an empty Collectable . More...
| ~Collectable () |
| Frees resources. More...
virtual | ~EventSource () |
virtual | ~Interface () |
| Empty destructor. More...
virtual | ~Serializable () |
virtual void | emitVtableFunc_ () |