This is the complete list of members for jive::geom::StdTriangle6, including all inherited members.
clipPoint(const Vector &u) const | jive::geom::StdTriangle | virtual |
containsPoint(const Vector &u) const | jive::geom::StdTriangle | virtual |
Cubix typedef | jive::geom::StdShape | |
declare() | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | static |
decodeShape(jem::io::DataInput &in) | jive::geom::StdShape | static |
emitVtableFunc_() | jem::io::Serializable | protectedvirtual |
encodeShape(jem::io::DataOutput &out, StdShape *shape) | jive::geom::StdShape | static |
evalShapeFunctions(const Vector &f, const Vector &u) const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
jive::geom::StdTriangle::evalShapeFunctions(const Matrix &h, const Matrix &u) const | jive::geom::StdShape | virtual |
evalShapeGradGrads(const Vector &f, const Matrix &g, const Matrix &h, const Vector &u) const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
evalShapeGradients(const Vector &f, const Matrix &g, const Vector &u) const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
jive::geom::StdTriangle::evalShapeGradients(const Matrix &g, const Vector &u) const =0 | jive::geom::StdShape | pure virtual |
jive::geom::StdTriangle::evalShapeGradients(const Cubix &g, const Matrix &u) const | jive::geom::StdShape | virtual |
findShape(const String &name) | jive::geom::StdShape | static |
GEOMETRY | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getGaussPointCount(idx_t count) | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getGaussScheme(idx_t count) | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getGeometry() const | jive::geom::StdTriangle | virtual |
getIntegrationScheme(String &ischeme) | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getIntegrationScheme(const Matrix &s1, const Matrix &s2) | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getNodeCoords() const =0 | jive::geom::StdShape | pure virtual |
getUniformPointCount(idx_t count) | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getUniformScheme(idx_t count) | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
getVertexCoords() const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
makeNew(const String &geom, const Properties &conf, const Properties &props) | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | static |
Matrix typedef | jive::geom::StdShape | |
name() const =0 | jive::geom::StdShape | pure virtual |
nodeCount() const =0 | jive::geom::StdShape | pure virtual |
rank() const | jive::geom::StdTriangle | virtual |
RANK | jive::geom::StdTriangle | static |
readFrom(ObjectInput &in) | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
registerShape(StdShape *shape) | jive::geom::StdShape | static |
Self typedef | jive::geom::StdTriangle | |
SHAPE_FUNC_COUNT | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | static |
shapeFuncCount() const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
StdShape() | jive::geom::StdShape | protected |
StdTriangle6() | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | |
String typedef | jive::geom::StdShape | |
Super typedef | jive::geom::StdTriangle | |
Vector typedef | jive::geom::StdShape | |
VERTEX_COUNT | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | static |
vertexCoords() | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | static |
vertexCount() const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
writeTo(ObjectOutput &out) const | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | virtual |
~Interface() | jem::Interface | protectedvirtual |
~Serializable() | jem::io::Serializable | protectedvirtual |
~StdShape() | jive::geom::StdShape | protectedvirtual |
~StdTriangle() | jive::geom::StdTriangle | protectedvirtual |
~StdTriangle6() | jive::geom::StdTriangle6 | protectedvirtual |