Jive reference manual
This is the complete list of members for jive::geom::SimpleShapeTable, including all inherited members.
ANY_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
BEZIER_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
BOUNDARY_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
changeEvent | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
checkShapes(const String &context, int flags, idx_t prec=0) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
checkShapes(const String &context, int flags, const IdxVector &precs) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
checkShapes(const String &context, int flags, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
checkShapesOf(const String &context, const IdxVector &iitems, int flags, idx_t prec=0) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
checkShapesOf(const String &context, const IdxVector &iitems, int flags, const IdxVector &precs) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
checkShapesOf(const String &context, const IdxVector &iitems, int flags, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
clone() const | jem::Object | |
Collectable() | jem::Collectable | protected |
configure(const Properties &props, const Properties &globdat) | jive::geom::ShapeTable | virtual |
connect_() | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
emitEvents_(int events) | jive::geom::ShapeTable | protectedvirtual |
emitVtableFunc_() | jem::io::Serializable | protectedvirtual |
equals(const Ref< Object > &obj) const | jem::Object | virtual |
find(const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat) | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
get(const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat, const String &context) | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
getClass() const | jem::Object | virtual |
getConfig(const Properties &conf) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | virtual |
getContext() const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | virtual |
getItems() const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
getName() const | jem::NamedObject | |
getShapeOf(idx_t iitem, idx_t prec) const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
getShapes(const IdxVector &map, idx_t prec) const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
getShapes(const IdxVector &map, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
jive::geom::ShapeTable::getShapes(const IdxVector &map, const IdxVector &precs) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | virtual |
getShapesOf(const IdxVector &shapeMap, const IdxVector &iitems, idx_t prec) const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
getShapesOf(const IdxVector &shapeMap, const IdxVector &iitems, idx_t minPrec, idx_t maxPrec) const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
jive::geom::ShapeTable::getShapesOf(const IdxVector &map, const IdxVector &iitems, const IdxVector &precs) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | virtual |
getShapeTopos(const IdxVector &map) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
getShapeToposOf(const IdxVector &map, const IdxVector &iitems) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
getType() | jem::Object | static |
getTypeFlags(const Shape &shape) | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
GRAD2_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
hashValue() const | jem::Object | virtual |
INTERFACE_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
INTERNAL_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
itemCount() const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
items_ | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
itemsReordered_(const Reordering &reord) | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
itemsResized_(idx_t itemCount) | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
makeContext(const String &kind, const String &name) | jem::NamedObject | static |
map_ | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
maxPrecision() const | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
myName_ | jem::NamedObject | protected |
NamedObject(const String &name="") | jem::NamedObject | explicit |
readFrom(ObjectInput &in) | jive::geom::SimpleShapeTable | virtual |
REGULAR_TYPE | jive::geom::ShapeTable | static |
resetEvents() | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | virtual |
shapes_ | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
ShapeTable(const String &name="") | jive::geom::ShapeTable | explicitprotected |
SimpleShapeTable() | jive::geom::SimpleShapeTable | |
SimpleShapeTable(const String &name, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const IdxVector &map, const ShapeMatrix &shapes) | jive::geom::SimpleShapeTable | |
StdShapeTable() | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
StdShapeTable(const String &name, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, idx_t maxPrec=0) | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protected |
store(const Properties &globdat) const | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
TopoVector typedef | jive::geom::ShapeTable | |
toString() const | jem::NamedObject | virtual |
update_() | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protectedvirtual |
writeTo(ObjectOutput &out) const | jive::geom::SimpleShapeTable | virtual |
~Collectable() | jem::Collectable | protected |
~EventSource() | jive::util::EventSource | protectedvirtual |
~Interface() | jem::Interface | protectedvirtual |
~NamedObject() | jem::NamedObject | protectedvirtual |
~Serializable() | jem::io::Serializable | protectedvirtual |
~ShapeTable() | jive::geom::ShapeTable | protectedvirtual |
~SimpleShapeTable() | jive::geom::SimpleShapeTable | protectedvirtual |
~StdShapeTable() | jive::geom::StdShapeTable | protectedvirtual |