Jive reference manual
jem::hdf5::DataSet Member List

This is the complete list of members for jem::hdf5::DataSet, including all inherited members.

clone() const jem::Object
countError(const String &where, idx_t mcount) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
countError(const String &where, idx_t mcount, idx_t dcount) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
DataSet(const Handle &oid)jem::hdf5::DataSetexplicit
equals(const Ref< Object > &obj) const jem::Objectvirtual
findAttribute(const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
findAttribute(T &value, const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
findAttribute(const Array< T, N > &value, const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
getAttribute(const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
getAttribute(T &value, const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
getAttribute(const Array< T, N > &value, const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
getClass() const jem::Objectvirtual
getContext() const jem::hdf5::H5Object
getData(T &data) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
getData(const Array< T, N > &data) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
getData(T &data, const DataSpace &dspace) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
getData(const Array< T, N > &data, const DataSpace &dspace) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
getDataSpace() const jem::hdf5::DataSet
getDataType() const jem::hdf5::DataSet
getID() const jem::hdf5::H5Object
getName() const jem::hdf5::H5Object
H5Object(const Handle &oid)jem::hdf5::H5Objectexplicitprotected
hasAttribute(const String &name) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
hashValue() const jem::Objectvirtual
itemCount() const jem::hdf5::DataSet
listAttributes() const jem::hdf5::H5Object
newAttribute(const String &name, const DataType &type) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
newAttribute(const String &name, const DataType &type, const DataSpace &space) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
readData(void *buffer, const DataType &type) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
readData(void *buffer, const DataType &type, const DataSpace &mspace, const DataSpace &dspace) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
setAttribute(const String &name, const T &value) const jem::hdf5::H5Object
setData(const T &data) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
setData(const T &data, const DataSpace &dspace) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
toString() const jem::Objectvirtual
writeData(const void *buffer, const DataType &type) const jem::hdf5::DataSet
writeData(const void *buffer, const DataType &type, const DataSpace &mspace, const DataSpace &dspace) const jem::hdf5::DataSet