Jive reference manual
jive::util::Table Member List

This is the complete list of members for jive::util::Table, including all inherited members.

clone() const jem::Object
columnCount() const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
emitEvents_(int events)=0jive::util::EventSourceprotectedpure virtual
equals(const Ref< Object > &obj) const jem::Objectvirtual
find(const String &name, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat)jive::util::Tablestatic
findAllValues(const Matrix &buf) const jive::util::Table
findBlock(const Matrix &block, const IdxVector &irows, const IdxVector &jcols) const jive::util::Table
findColumn(const String &name) const jive::util::Tablevirtual
findColValues(const Vector &cvals, const IdxVector &irows, idx_t jcol) const jive::util::Table
findFor(const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat)jive::util::Tablestatic
findRowValues(const Vector &rvals, idx_t irow, const IdxVector &jcols) const jive::util::Table
findValue(double &value, idx_t irow, idx_t jcol) const jive::util::Table
get(const String &name, const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat, const String &context)jive::util::Tablestatic
getAllData(double *buf, idx_t jst) const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
getAllValues(const Matrix &buf) const jive::util::Table
getBlock(const Matrix &block, const IdxVector &irows, const IdxVector &jcols) const jive::util::Table
getClass() const jem::Objectvirtual
getColumnIndex(const String &name) const jive::util::Table
getColumnName(idx_t jcol) const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
getColumnNames() const jive::util::Tablevirtual
getColValues(const Vector &cvals, const IdxVector &irows, idx_t jcol) const jive::util::Table
getContext() const jive::util::Tablevirtual
getData(double *buf, const idx_t *irows, idx_t icount, const idx_t *jcols, idx_t jcount) const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
getFor(const Ref< ItemSet > &items, const Properties &globdat)jive::util::Tablestatic
getName() const jem::NamedObject
getRowItems() const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
getRowValues(const Vector &rvals, idx_t irow, const IdxVector &jcols) const jive::util::Table
getTagName() const jive::util::Table
getTagName(const String &rowItemName)jive::util::Tablestatic
getValue(idx_t irow, idx_t jcol) const jive::util::Table
hashValue() const jem::Objectvirtual
isDense() const jive::util::Table
makeContext(const String &kind, const String &name)jem::NamedObjectstatic
NamedObject(const String &name="")jem::NamedObjectexplicit
printAll(PrintWriter &out, const Properties &globdat)jive::util::Tablestatic
printMatrix(PrintWriter &out, const SparseMatrix &mat, const StringVector &colNames, const IdxVector &rowIDs)jive::util::Tablestatic
printSection(PrintWriter &out, const Matrix &mat, const StringVector &colNames, const IdxVector &rowIDs, const IdxVector &rowPerm)jive::util::Tablestatic
printSome(PrintWriter &out, const Dictionary &tables, const String &tag="")jive::util::Tablestatic
printTo(PrintWriter &out) const jive::util::Tablevirtual
resetEvents()=0jive::util::EventSourcepure virtual
rowCount() const jive::util::Table
size() const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
store(const Properties &globdat) const jive::util::Table
store(const String &name, const Properties &globdat) const jive::util::Table
Table(const String &name="")jive::util::Tableexplicitprotected
toMatrix() const =0jive::util::Tablepure virtual
toString() const jem::NamedObjectvirtual