Jive reference manual
This is the complete list of members for jive::gl::MeshRenderer, including all inherited members.
addToNodeCoords(const Matrix &delta, const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
addToNodeCoords(idx_t idim, const Vector &delta, const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
Attribs typedef | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
clearColors() | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
clearParent() | jem::gl::GfxNode | |
clone() const | jem::Object | |
Collectable() | jem::Collectable | protected |
configure(const Properties &props) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
drawCData(GfxContext >x) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
equals(const Ref< Object > &obj) const | jem::Object | virtual |
exeCommand(GfxContext >x, const String &cmd, const Properties ¶ms) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
findElement(idx_t &elemID, double x, double y, double z) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
findNode(const String &name) const | jem::gl::GfxNode | virtual |
get(const Properties &viewdat, const String &context) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | static |
getAttribs() const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getBBox(jem::gl::Box &box) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
getClass() const | jem::Object | virtual |
getConfig(const Properties &props) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
getContext() const | jem::gl::GfxNode | virtual |
getElements(const AppContext &apx) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getElemGroup(const AppContext &apx) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getElemIndices(const AppContext &apx) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getName() const | jem::NamedObject | |
getNodes(const AppContext &apx) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getNodeVxMap(const AppContext &apx) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getParent() const | jem::gl::GfxNode | |
getType() | jem::Object | static |
getVertices() const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
getVisibility(bool &viz, Box &vbox, const Transform &proj) const | jem::gl::LeafNode | virtual |
getVxNodeMap() const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
GfxNode(const String &name="") | jem::gl::GfxNode | explicit |
hashValue() const | jem::Object | virtual |
hidden | jem::gl::LeafNode | |
LeafNode(const String &name="") | jem::gl::LeafNode | explicit |
listOptions(jem::gl::Menu &menu) const | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
listProps(const Properties &props) const | jem::gl::LeafNode | virtual |
makeContext(const String &kind, const String &name) | jem::NamedObject | static |
MeshRenderer(const String &name, const AppContext &apx, const ElementGroup &group, const Ref< ShapeTable > &shapes, const Ref< GfxMesher > &mesher, const Ref< Attribs > &attribs=NIL) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
myName_ | jem::NamedObject | protected |
NamedObject(const String &name="") | jem::NamedObject | explicit |
newMeshEvent | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
OwnData_ class | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | friend |
redraw(GfxContext >x) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
redrawFast(GfxContext >x, double lod) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
setElemColors(const GLubyteMatrix &colors, const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
setFont() | jem::gl::LeafNode | virtual |
setNodeColors(const GLfloatVector &colors, const Ref< ColorMap > &colorMap, const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
setNodeCoords(const Matrix &coords, const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
setNodeCoords(idx_t idim, const Vector &coords, const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
setParent(GfxNode *parent) | jem::gl::GfxNode | |
takeAction(const String &action, const Properties ¶ms) | jem::gl::LeafNode | virtual |
takeGLAction(GfxContext >x, int action, const Properties ¶ms) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | virtual |
takeNRAction(const String &action, const Properties ¶ms) | jem::gl::GfxNode | virtual |
toString() const | jem::NamedObject | virtual |
trackMeshGeom() | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
update(const AppContext &apx) | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | |
~Collectable() | jem::Collectable | protected |
~GfxNode() | jem::gl::GfxNode | protectedvirtual |
~LeafNode() | jem::gl::LeafNode | protectedvirtual |
~MeshRenderer() | jive::gl::MeshRenderer | protectedvirtual |
~NamedObject() | jem::NamedObject | protectedvirtual |